Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Daniel Prayer by Anne Graham Lotz

Every once in a while an exceptional book comes along and you know before you open the first page that you are about to be extraordinarily blessed. There's just some books that you know are going to leave an imprint on your soul, widen your perspective, challenge you to dive deeper in the Word, and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord. 

Anne Graham Lotz is such a gifted woman of God. One of the best books I've ever been graced to review is, "Wounded by God's People". (Take a peek at my review). This book is so powerful and aided me in healing and gave me such a deep perspective of my circumstances. 

The Daniel Prayer is very similar in how I feel after closing the last page. Anne is so transparent. She shares of her own life. She shares stories that truly leave you pondering. I love how personal she is. But what I love the most is that she never strays from the Word. The Word is the message . She is gifted in not only touching the heart, but getting in there past all the {stuff} and giving us such wisdom that healing begins, comfort begins to sooth, and the heart begins to change. 

"This is not a casual, every-day, pray-as-you-feel-like-it, run-of-the-mill, garden-variety type of prayer. It is not even a flare sent up as a distress call for help. The Daniel Prayer is a commitment. A commitment that perseveres over any and every obstacle until Heaven is moved and nations are changed."

"The key to thankfulness is not to view God through the lens of our circumstances, but to view our circumstances through the lens of God's love and sovereign purpose."

"Don't settle for less than fulfilling completely the potential that God had in mind for you when He brought you into existence, then brought you to Himself in a personal relationship. Yield your life to God's purpose even when it may seem the very opposite of anything you may have thought you had wanted. While God's purpose may be radically different than the plan you had laid out for your life, make no mistake about it, His plan is much greater and broader...it's more lasting and impactful...than any plan you could come up with yourself. I know...from personal experience. And so did Daniel."

"Because the Daniel Prayer is not an everyday type of prayer. It's a prayer birthed under pressure, squeezing the coal of our heartache, grief, and desperation into the diamond of genuine faith that pleases God, moves Heaven, and changes nations. It can be triggered by a disappointment or a sudden revelation of hope,an unanswered prayer or a promise freshly received, the consequences of a past failure or a miracle that lies just over the horizon. It's a plea for something you intensely long for that you know will take place, but has not taken place yet."

"The Daniel Prayer is not just venting to God or yelling at Heaven. The Daniel Prayer is not just an outpouring of heartfelt emotion and passionate pleading. It is an outpouring of heartfelt emotion and passionate pleading based on God's Word as we hold Him to His promises."

I have read the Book of Daniel many times. I have gained such insight. Anne does something really special. She brought this book, this man, to life for me like never before. She brings forth such revelation that you only want to dig deeper into the Word. 

Anne describes for us a prayer that is lacking. I know it is lacking in my own life. Prayer shouldn't be a churchy kind of cookie cutter repetition, but brought alive from the depths of the soul. This is that one book to share with friends. It would be a great book for Sunday school, a Wednesday night meeting group, or just a few friends gathering together to study. I encourage you to pick this one up. You won't be disappointed!

Happy Reading.

This book was a gift from Zondervan for sharing my review with you. 

Anne Graham Lotz called the "best preacher in the family" by her father, Billy Graham, speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God's Word. the New York Times named Anne one of the five most influential evangelists of her generation. She is a best-selling and award-winning author of fifteen books, including her most recent, Wounded by God's People. To learn more about Anne, her family, and her ministry visit www.annegrahamlotz.org.


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