Friday, May 4, 2012

Calling For More Rain?

Ever feel like your having a perfect day, no clouds in the sky, and all of a sudden out of no where, the clouds roll in and the rains begin to pour? Even as I write this morning, the clouds are beginning to roll in. It's one of those mornings where you can smell the rains heading in.

But doesn't that make it better when we have notice of the coming rain? With that notice we have time to shut the windows and grab that umbrella as we head out the door. We might even decide to stay in for the day. But what happens when there is no warning of impending rain? When you live in Missouri, the weather can change at the drop of a hat, so you learn to be prepared for whatever may come.

Yesterday on my fb status I wrote, "I don't really understand those who say we shouldn't pray for patience. Today I am praying for patience." Not long after that status update I received a call from my husband who was on his way back from Pennsylvania. It wasn't exactly the call you expect on your way home for the weekend. He was being told that the post office, due to cutbacks, has cancelled their contract. So, as of this morning my husband is on the search once again.

We have been here before, so we should be pros at this by now, but somehow you never get used to being unemployed. The devastating obstacle here is that we didn't see this one coming. The sun was shining and no rain was in sight. We were even looking to purchase a new home and a new car. Praise God for His impropting for us to wait. We had been so close, but something just said, "No, not now. Hold on."

Last night after speaking to my husband I decided to take a walk in our fields and wooded area. My husband had just plowed last week so it was an easy walk to enjoy. I just took my time and enjoyed the sounds of geese flying in and caught sight of breathtaking butterflies taking a moment to rest on branches. Whimsy clouds were moving in overhead and the trees were gently giving way. I stood in awe of God's glory. I felt a peace wash over me just as I have a thousand times and in that moment I knew everything was going to be okay.

See, sometimes it's great to put the umbrella away and learn to dance in the rain. For what we see as unsettling, God wants to provide us with peace. He wants us to take hold of the moment and trust Him. Those very rain drops we try to keep from hitting us in the face are the very raindrops that make the flowers blossom. Without the rains they would dry up and lose their beauty.

God doesn't want us to see only our circumstances. He wants us to see beyond them and see Him. His plans. His goals. His blessings. What we sometimes see as comfort can bring us to a staleness. Sometimes the only way out of that staleness is to remove us from the comfort zone. When all seems perfect in our lives we can stop looking for God's greatness. We can be so comfortable that we no longer look for signs of opportunity.

Just like preparing for our Missouri weather, we too can be prepared for what is to come by finding ourselves in God's Word and saturating our heart with it, so that when trial does come, we can recall God's Word and find peace, comfort and strength to set us above the flood waters roaring in.

We have story after story in God's Word where His people overcame obstacles. It wasn't easy. It wasn't fun. But they did so relying on God's strength and His promises. This is what I am choosing to do today. I am making the choice to see past the rain and know there is a rainbow ahead.

I'm learning that not only is everything a choice, but my attitude is even more important. I could choose to roll up in a ball and cover my head, or I can make the choice to stand in God's promises, knowing He has a plan of action and my feet just simply need to follow Him.

In the last lay off, it lasted three years. Three long years, but in that time, my marriage grew. Old hurts were healed and I grew closer to Christ. My passions were renewed and I learned to see life in a new perspective. In our trials we have the opportunity to allow God to shine. After all, He is the God who turns trial into triumph.

Friend, whatever you are going through today, God sees and He knows. We can take comfort in that and we can trust He isn't anywhere finished with us yet. He is putting plans in place and changing lives. He is always on the move, doing the work that only God can do. Trust Him today. Seek Him today and you will find treasures that cannot be uncovered any other way.

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into various problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love."
Romans 5:3-5

"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7


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