Monday, June 7, 2010


Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. Mother Teresa

I am enjoying finding all these quotes. I am writing them down as I find them. Some just seem to speak to my heart. It's like a light bulb comes on as I am reading the words of eloquence that captures something deep within me.

"Yesterday is Gone". That is something we must make a priority in doing, just remembering our pasts are gone. Yesterday is gone forever more. We too often allow our pasts to haunt us, to hold us back from today, and shatter our dreams for tomorrow.Whether we are wallowing in our mistakes or dreaming of memories gone, it takes away from today. Been there? I have been there right along with you. I can look back to yesterday and see mistakes made, pain surrounding me, and dreams gone past, but when I allow myself to stay in the past I cannot see what the Lord has for me today. And isn't life all about today? This moment, right now? We allow our past to overshadow all else, and when we do, it crushes every dream and desire we have. Our past can build a wall between us and God. Even though He forgives of yesterday, many times, we are are our own worse enemy at forgiveness.

"Tomorrow has yet to come." Ever just get caught up in tomorrow? The past is gone, and today is not what we expected. Today is just not turning out how we planned. When we begin these thoughts, we then tend to just concentrate on tomorrow, forgetting today. We think, "Tomorrow will be a better day, a brighter day." We can cover our heads today, and wish for tomorrow to come quickly. Remember being twelve, and couldn't wait until thirteen came? Then your waiting on sixteen, twenty-one, and then the years just seem to have slipped by too quickly in our wishes for tomorrow. If we are not living in our pasts, we are wishing for the future in tomorrow. But tomorrow may not come. What if today is all we have, and we have wasted our time in the past and future? How sad of a life is that?

"We only have today. Let us begin." I love this. What a reminder to enjoy life. To enjoy each second. Just to live in the moment with Christ. When we live in the moment, what do we gain? Life! If we are not stuck in yesterday, worrying about tomorrow, but just living in this moment here and now, we are going to see the blessings before us much brighter. Each breath will be more sweet, and we will think more of our actions, and words. I think love would abound more if we thought just about this one moment, realizing yesterday is gone, and life could end in the next. Thinking this way opens our eyes, humbles us, and places thankfulness in the center of each moment.

Christ died upon the cross for our sins in the past, present and future. All that He gave for us, all that was taken, it would be a shame to waste the precious gift before us each day. Giving Him yesterday and trusting Him with tomorrow, and just living with Him right here and now is faith.

How about yourself. Where are you living today? Are you stuck in yesterday's misery? Are you thinking about the possibilities or worries in the future? When we concentrate on those we are missing out on so much right now in this present time. If we can begin to just live moment by moment it takes the worry away, the stress eases, and joy begins to fill our hearts as Christ lives in us today. Take a step back today and see where you are. I pray you find yourself in this moment, forgetting yesterday, and trusting God with tomorrow so you can enjoy today.

Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."


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