Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I don't have anything to wear!

I don't have anything to wear! Ever been standing in front of your closet and scream these words out? Oh, ladies, if I had just a penny for every time I said these words I would have enough money to go by a whole new wardrobe for many girlfriends. Why do we allow ourselves to do this? I have to question myself as I sat in front of my closet Sunday and said, "I have nothing to wear and I can't go to church!" I hear my husband saying, "You have the whole closet! I have one small section." I go on to say, "But yes, but do you see all the stuff I can't wear?" When I know I am wrong there are always "Buts" in my conversations. I can try really hard to think of every excuse in the world for a new outfit. And Easter Sunday is one of them. But like all the Easter's before when I had that new dress or skirt, it was rainy and cold and I didn't get to wear it anyway! Think Jesus is telling me something there?
So after my eighth grade fit over clothes, I jump in the shower to proceed to get ready. Still knowing I cannot go to church because I have nothing to wear! You know what happened? I went to church. Found me a outfit, and got my little pity party behind in the car. And what I found out next was that Jesus filled me with all I needed to hear. I was blessed beyond words by the message I heard.

Satan was trying to keep me home. He was filling my head again with his whispers, and this girl was listening. God always provides. I have a closet filled with clothes. They may all not be exactly what I "Want" at the moment, but they are what I need. Jesus said He would provide our needs, not our every want.

As ladies we can struggle with this not having enough clothes. My husband can put on anything and leave the house. You know why? He isn't worried about what his buddy has on. He isn't worried about looking good in front of his friends. And the last thought on his mind is, "I just might run into someone I know!" He is dressing for him and him alone. He isn't making it all about looks and what others are going to think. As ladies we get caught up in that and it can take hold and make us all about appearances. The Lord looks at the beauty in our hearts, not what is on our backs.

If I would have continued listening to Satan I would have missed out on a beautiful day in the Lord. I would have missed out on worship and praise for my Savior. I would have continued to have myself a party of pity when in fact I do have clothes. We should be clothing ourselves in God's beauty, in kindness, in love, and tenderness for one another. It should never be, "Did you see what Sally was wearing?" Men dress for themselves, and women tend to dress to compete with other women. Ouch! That gets to the heart of the matter doesn't it?

I am learning just to be myself. I am learning it doesn't matter what I have on, I am not here to put on a show for anyone else. I am here to represent Jesus in my walk, and I can do that just fine with all that He provides.

Ladies, look in the mirror today and see yourself through the eyes of Jesus. See the beauty He created in you. You are like no other. He made you special, so why do we try so hard to be like others? Satan knows the beauty you behold, and even he cannot steal that away. You have a beauty in your heart that the Lord placed there. Don't watch all the ads telling you to come in and get that brand new outfit for half off. Don't listen to the world tell you that you are not good enough. If we all could just see ourselves the way Jesus sees us, we would count ourselves blessed.

Psalm 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."
Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."


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