When you make a connection with a great book, an inspiring story, or a great article you are adding to your collection of wisdom. I love books. I love the smell, the feel, and to look at the cover. I absorb the words as they seem to flow into my heart. I love a great mystery, a thriller, a love story, anything that adds to my life. To read history, to grasp an other's feelings as they have placed them before me is almost unexplainable. I could spend hours in a book store. I have been known to spend much time in the library, only to come out with nine books that I am now puzzled as to which one to begin first. It is a rich blessing in life when you can connect with another person who loves to read, loves to discuss books and their thoughts about them. To share books and to pass them on to others so they too can be blessed as I was is a treat. Books come in all different shapes, sizes and colors. They each have a different cover, one that seems to give clues as to whats inside, but we really never know until we begin reading. Once we open those pages then the truth of what is inside begins to show. The words come through and touch us like no other. Some send us on a ride of joy, while others hit the spot of tears, and some will send us leaping over the couch in fear at the first unknown sound. Reading books is something I began early with my children. I read to them while I was pregnant, and my oldest could read when she was only one. I have read to my children at night, and throughout their lives, laughing, looking at the bright colors and imagining the places we can only dream of going. Reading gives us something so bright, and fulfilling. Its how we learn, we grow, and we open our eyes to ideas we never thought of before. To hold a book from the library, knowing it has been held by many different people for many different reasons is amazing to me. To know each one was probably touched in a different way by reading the book than I is what an author hopes for. For someone to read and be changed, to make a difference in their lives and those around them just by something they have read. I never leave my house without a book. You never know when you might just have a few minutes to steal away and drift off to another time or place. Books give us a gift of escaping the stress of the day. I have many favorites, I could never just pick one, but there is one that is the most important book I have ever read, one in which it changed my life forever. That is the bible, God's Holy Word. There is nothing like it,nor will there ever be again. You cannot add to it, or take away from it, but it can add treasure to your life. To read the bible is to read God's love letter to me. What a special moment to share in His words and allow them to touch my heart like nothing ever will again. The bible contains everything we will ever need to know. It is our guide to life, it is our encyclopedia and history of the world from the beginning to the end. It is a love story, a story of redemption, of grace and peace. It holds in it mystery, along with thrilling portions that will grip your heart. You can begin from the very first page or start at the end, and you will find what you have been seeking for all your life. Some people are readers who enjoy a moment alone with just a book. I know it was a rich blessing for me to teach my children how to read, for it opened their eyes to a new world in front of them. You want a blessing today? Pick up a great read and open the pages to a whole new world.