scavenger hunt
Psalm 139:23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." You know one of the definisions of scavenger is a garbage collector, or a junk collector. I have gone on savenger hunts with my kids and they are alot of fun when you are looking for great little trinkets, little surprises along the way, with all the little hints to lead you right to them. In this verse, when I read it, I think of God going on a scavenger hunt in my mind, body and soul, looking for all the junk and garbage I have collected and am living in. I want Him to find it all, every last one, show me just where they are, what they are and give me the strength to overcome them and throw them out of my life, never letting them enter it again. We have a way of doing that don't we? We seem to collect so much stuff, stuff that we don't need that just takes up space of blessings that we could enjoy from God. We see those people who hoard things, they collect so much junk, it overcomes their lives. They lose so much joy because they are so caught up in all the junk. Our hearts can be the same way. We need to allow the Lord to cleanse our hearts, minds and spirits so that He can live there without all the clutter taking our focus off Him. Another meaning of savenger is to clean away dirt or refuse from. I need to clean out my heart, make sure there is nothing evil or bitter there, only love and joy. We can have fun going on a scavenger hunt with the bible, just as we play the game with our kids, looking for treasures to bless us, to place a smile on our face. We can search God's word, find His purpose for us, and find so much joy just searching all He has for us. I pray you can cleanse your heart just as I need to, getting out all of the clutter we seem to pack up like little rats. I think I just might need to do some early spring cleaning, how about yourself? Lord, show us the way, give us Your word, and teach us Your ways to make our walk even more sweeter, to clear our paths, so that we can find Yours~