are ya singing?
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Colossians 3:16 We are to lift one another up, teach one another, raise each other up in the name of Jesus. We are to sing with a happy heart, we are to sing songs of praise to His name. What a beautiful praise we can give to the Lord for all He does for us. I love to hear people sing with a melody from their heart. Singing is more than just letting the words come out, but it is letting His Spirit flow outward to reach others with an impact to lift them up, to touch their hearts, to bring joy to their soul. I should always be singing a tune for the Lord, my speech, my actions, my life should be a song worthy of His praise. But if I am to be honest, my life is not always a sweet melody. Instead of singing a wonderful tune, I can have my foot in my mouth within a matter of seconds. Why is it we always speak before we think? We allow anger to overtake us, we allow our feelings to get the best of us, and then Wham, it hits, we sit back and we know the Lord is not happy with what just took place. I should be so focused on Him, so in tune with His melody, that my harmony blends in and others hear a beautiful sound of His love streaming through me. Satan knows just how to push us, he knows just what song Jesus wants us to sing, only satan throws in his own melody, his own course, and if we are not careful to what we are listening to, we will begin to sing the wrong chorus, and we will be off beat. The Lord gives us so much, He is right there in our hearts, why can't I just get this right? My flesh is always at war with my spirit. I can wake up hearing the birds singing a little melody, feeling God's Spirit move through me, and then an hour later the birds have stopped and I am coming up with my own tune, and from there until I come back to the Lord, until I humble myself before Him, making things right, satan is going to continue having a day of fun with all that the Lord had in store for me, for the glory of His kingdom. May we learn to sing with Him, instead of trying to sing aloud by the beat of our own drum. Lord, help me to know when I am off beat, help me to stay in tune with your will and way. Lord, fill me with Your Spirit and with Your love. May the words that come from my lips bring You glory and not shame~