baking pies
Baking pies and cakes is just so fun. All the time it takes to prepare, to mix, to bake, and then after all your hard work, after the effort you have given, you have created something beautiful. I have a lovely friend who enjoys any kind of cooking, I think she would bake all day if she had the time. The thing that makes her beautiful is that she does everything with her heart. When you sit down to dive into her homemade carrot cake, it just doesn't taste good, it is special because she put so much love into it. When we place our pies out for everyone to see, we get out the serving knife, and stand back with a proud feeling,not one of boasting, but one of I did this with love and with my hands for those I care so greatly about. It feels good to have blessed others with such love, such giving. It always takes much more time to prepare the pie than it does for it to be eaten in our home, but the smiles are all worth it. Shouldn't our walk be the same? We have to prepare by spending time with the Lord, we have to add all the right ingredients,like scripture to help us in our daily walk and serve with love, the same love that Christ has shown us. If we have not prepared, if we have left out the special ingredients such as love, kindness, sharing, and mercy, then are others really going to enjoy what we are dishing out for them to take? For everything we do, we should do it with all our hearts, not grudgingly, but with a joy that is contagious. When we are dishing out love, when we are serving with all we have, what a blessing it is for all those who receive. Its not just about giving, but how we give. Its not what we give, but why. Why do we give? Is it to bring glory to ourselves, is to show others our service, or is it we are following our calling? Is it that we are giving for grace was given to us? Whether you are the one giving or receiving, at one time or another you will be on the opposite end of each gift, for it is a blessing to give and to receive. Giving goes hand in hand with love. For those who give with love you see such a grace about them, you see Jesus through them. Jesus was our greatest gift ever, He gave all there was to give, He gave His life so that we would have life. We owe that to our Savior, everything we have we owe to Him, for He is the Creator, He is the One who first showed us how to love, how to create with our hands, and how to serve the gifts that our Father has bestowed us with~2 Corinthians 9:7-8 "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."