whatcha running from?
Is there something in your way right now? Is there something blocking your path? Is God calling you to do something great for Him and you are fearful you cannot come through? Maybe your facing a mountain of your own, and its hard to climb? Are you facing a trial that seems bigger than you and just a little more than what you think you can handle? We often run from the things we are fearful of, the things that we think are bigger than us, the things which seem to consume our thoughts. But which direction are you running? Are you running to God or are you running away from Him? For me at times, I run away, I am finding myself terrified of what I know He is asking me to do. I often think I am not the person for the job, but God has other ideas on that. He doesn't give us more than we can handle with His strength, and with Him all things are possible. Phillipians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." NIV That Him happens to be Jesus Christ. He can give us what we need to climb every mountain, to walk through every valley, and to keep going when the road gets tough. We weren't meant to do things on our own, we were meant to turn to Christ for all our needs and trust in Him. Why is it that we always seem to try to do it ourselves, and when it fails we ask why? Well, its because we tried it on our own, we tried to walk our own path, our own way, and for God, well, He has plans for us, He has a purpose and sometimes in that purpose to make us who He wants us to become we have to walk a few roads we really don't want to walk. He pushes us to keep going, He gives us strength when we are weak, and when we give Him the lead, amazing things can happen. The thing is, it takes awhile to get to understand this process. It would be great if we were fast learners, but there are times where I have to learn it the hard way, trying to make it on my own and its not until I fall flat on my face that I get it. Sometimes we have to fall more than once, and sometimes that fall hurts, it hurts our pride. We can't walk around proud, we must be humble before God for Him to move through us and to live in us. Two people can't lead, so someone has to get out of the way, and that someone is me. We have nothing to fear, nothing to hide that Christ doesn't already know about us, there is no need for us to run the other way, we need to run straight to Him. When we need answers, when we need to understand our call, our purpose and our path, we need to run to Him instead of trying to figure it out on our own. Whatever you are running from today, stop, take a seat and let the Lord guide you, let Him carry your load for awhile. We run from the truth, we try to hide from it, and the truth needs to come out, it needs to be seen in order for us to really grow. We spend more time lying to ourselves than to others, and just who are we trying to fool? We can only go so long without realizing just how much we need Jesus in our lives, so why keep running? Turn to Him today and let Him give you strength, wisdom, hope and love to fill your heart. May His strength wash over you today and may His wisdom encourage you to face each day ahead with Him at your side. Psalm 27:5 "For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock."