what can I give?
What is there that I could give my God? Is there anything of me that is worthy to Him? Can anything I have make Him better? He doesn't need me, He wants me. He is Holy and Just, for I am a sinner who was lost, but I was found, Jesus found me, Jesus opened His arms to me, this Unchangeable and Unmistakeable God gave Himself for me. There is nothing I can give, there is nothing I can do that would make Him love me more. What does He need from me, my love, my trust, my faith, and for me to be an open vessel for Him to move through. To make my body a holy and pure before Him, so that the Holy Spirit can live in me. God's glory belongs all to Him, His praise is a song that is heard all throughout heaven and on earth. There is no good in me, but Him. What can I give Him? My heart and my hand to lead me through this life and into a new life with Him. All the songs have been sung, all the words have been written, for me, words are not enough to describe the love I feel for Jesus. He can heal, He can bring forth a joyful heart, through our trials and pain He can bring forth peace, strength and understanding, that is far too great for us, so we believe, we trust and place our faith in Him. We often get puffed up and we often get to wise for our own good, thinking we have so much to offer, but in reality, the only thing we have to offer is Jesus. For my shame and my past, Jesus has taken it away and forgotten it forever. He can take my burdens and carry them giving me a freedom for His strength has become my rock. I wish there was something I could give Him, I wish there was a gift that could make Him smile, but it isn't anything I can produce on my own, for allowing Him to live in me is the greatest gift we can give Him, for when we turn to Him, when we surrender all to Him, even the angels in heaven are singing. I am forever thankful for all the Lord does in my life, for the sweet time He spends with me, for holding my hand during the darkest part of the night, and for loving me so much. We can offer only ourselves to Him, and for that I believe He smiles greatly. For each one who has come to Him, there are many more that still need to believe. So we can be those open vessels, allowing Him to live and move through us, planting seeds, and showing the same love, grace and forgiveness that He has shown us. Sometimes we can be so selfish and only want for ourselves, when we are selfish, we are not making room for Him. To open our hands, to open our hearts, to give all as He gave for us, that is a gift He is willing for His glory~ Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Ephesians 5:1-2 " Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."