I don't want to be alone
As I was thinking about being lonely at times, and others who are feeling hurt by not having someone in their lives to share with and to walk with, I was reminded by the Lord, I am never alone. I always say," I want to be right where He is", but ya know, He is always right there where I am. He doesn't ever leave me, I just begin to seek other ways or others to fill a spot He has already filled. The moment I accepted Him in my heart, He placed the Holy Spirit there to live and all I need is already there, I don't have to search anywhere else. He loves to walk too, He loves to share, to talk, and to bless. It is in those times that I feel no one else is there or understands that I realize Christ is there, and as long as He is there it doesn't matter who else is there. He is my best friend, my Father, the One who shares with me, forgives me, and guides me through life. When ya think about it, He is really all we need and until we figure that out, we are not going to have peace in our hearts about who we are, or how many friends we have, or who is coming over to visit. None of those things matter, we should be able to content with Him and His presence in our life. He is our everything! Friends, they come and go, children, they grow and make a life of their own, and we can't look to our husbands to make the world all right around us, that is the job of the Master. If we stop looking around at what other's have and what we do not have, if we stop looking to see if our friends are still there, and stop thinking is this really it, turn our eyes to Jesus and He will set before us a life that we couldn't imagine. It doesn't mean that trials will never come, I have learned that through those trials is where Jesus shows Himself to me so clearly. I am in love with my Savior. I am grateful, amazed at His love, and I want to live in His presence daily, I want to keep my focus on Him, not what is going on around me. If I am right where I need to be, then I am in His presence and He in mine, and when that happens He does miraculous things, He shows His strength, He shows His beauty, His grace, His mercy, and He will move through us to do His will and way. Our God is so good, He should be the first focus of our day, all throughout our day and when we close our eyes to sleep He should be upon our hearts. If we keep our attitudes in check with Him, stay close to Him, those temptations, all the junk around us isn't going to be such a factor in our daily lives, for with Him as our focus, He will be moving through us instead of our flesh taking hold. Your not alone, and don't let this world tell you that you are, with Jesus you have everything you need~ Psalm 150:1-2 Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness."