put it on!
Micah 6:8 " He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." When we allow Christ to live through us, we put on His love, we show others what love is, and if we are walking in Him, He is looking good on us, once we get out of the picture. To have love for others, to have mercy for those around you, and to be humble are character traits that bring others to Christ. He has given us an example here, He is showing us how to let Him shine through us. Walking in Jesus, is walking in love always, showing mercy is opening up your heart, to feel the others pain, to understand without judgement, and to help to carry the load of a friend, and to walk humbly isn't to walk proud. It is knowing that all we have, all we do, all we are is because of Jesus, its nothing we have done. This is one of my favorite verses, it is one that I know I should live by, but it is also one that I can struggle with, but by the grace of God He shows me the way. Jesus showed and carried all these qualities His whole life. He walked with many different people, spoke to everyone. He came to show us through His life and through His death how we should walk, how we should carry ourselves, and how we should live. First we have to realize, its not about us. For me, I have to remind myself of that daily, it is all about Him, about living for Him, and pointing others to Him. If we are not humble, if we are not loving, nor carrying mercy in our hearts are we really going to show others who Jesus is? For us to put on love, we must put on Jesus first, we must learn to be open vessels for Him to use. For us to walk in love, we can't be selfish, we can't be proud thinking we are better, for He created us all equal. In love there is no "Me" or "Selfishness", those are the things that point others away from Christ. To be humble is to know just how big God really is and just how small we really are. So where are you today? Are you putting on the love? Are you letting Jesus shine in all you do? If your like me, and if your honest, you will admit you struggle in this area of life. The more we let go of, the more we understand who we are in Jesus, and the more we open our hearts, the more we carry mercy, the more we are willing to help others, even when its inconvenient to our plans. Lord I pray we can walk in Your steps humbly, with mercy in our hearts, and sharing Your love with all those around us today. As You live in us, may we allow You to move us and shake us, to make Your will our will. So what do ya say, are you ready to walk in love today? Jesus did~