makes me smile:)
I am blessed to have a special girlfriend in my life who has brought so many laughs, has lifted me up, and made me feel so welcome, and loved. She came into my life at the time Jesus knew just what I needed, a sister in Christ, a friend who seemed to know all about me, and make me feel as though we have spent our whole lives together. We have shared secrets, we have opened our hearts up, we have created things together, and we have learned so much along the way. Life is a journey with her, she brings peace to a girl when the tears have come. She adds spice to my life with her personality that is so unique and special. She is on fire for God, wants to live for Him, to serve Him, and to share with others the blessings He has given. Yes, Bobbie is one talented, beautiful lady who God has used to bring such joy and life into mine. Its great to have a girlfriend that you know is there for anything, one who will stand for you, one who will stand with ya, and if your not able to stand, she is gonna raise you up with the love of Jesus. We share strawberry tea, coffee filled to the brim with whipped cream as we read God's word together and grow in our faith as God strengthens us through His word. He has revealed before us our blessings, and to be able to share that with a girlfriend is a gift I am so grateful for. She is a woman who desires to live a life filled with Christ, she is a woman who loves her children more than the air she breaths, and is a wife who is loving to her husband. She has taught me much about giving, about being real, and letting go, so God can move. We share a love of purses, I don't know whose collection is bigger, and we both love the color pink! The amazing thing is she is honest, she is sincere, and has such a humble heart. She knows her past, her present and knows that God has brought her from a hungry soul to one who is fed with His love and His word. She has made me the most amazing bracelets that I will cherish forever. She has such beautiful talents, she doesn't know she really has a gift, thats where the humble part comes in. She surprised me one day by entering our names in a contest to hear Pastor Paul Sheppard preach. When the call came to me telling me I won, I knew without a doubt it was all a gift from God, for as we worshipped, as we listened to God's word, He moved in both of us, and what an amazing night to share with a girlfriend. A girlfriend is there by your side through the thick and thin. I believe she is here to stay. We share our deepest fears, we share our dreams and I know when we share it goes no further than her than my heart to hers. She has many gifts to share with others, but she isn't puffed up, she doesn't belong to a click, she isn't in the in crowd, and she doesn't have to be for she knows she is in the presence of her Savior. She has such a heart of mercy she loves all those around her, she never makes a difference in others, she opens her heart to all those around her. She is confident in herself knowing Jesus is her strength and her redeemer. Its great to know what the other will say before it is said, to laugh and to be yourselves, not trying to inpress anyone or to fit a mold, she is a one of kind friend that anyone would be blessed beyond words to call her friend, but she is not only my friend, she is my sister in Christ, and I know that our friendship is going to last forever, here on this earth and in heaven when we will live with Jesus forever. She is one of those special pearls that is like no other. She is an encourager to me, she lifts me up along our journey together. I am thankful Lord that You brought Bobbie into my life, to share a bond that is so strong, nothing can break it. A girlfriend is a treasure, one that you hold close to your heart when you know that you have a good one. Lord, bless our friendship, bless our families, and may we continue to grow as christian women, may we grow in our friendship and may we forever share the love that you have given us with others, so that they too can know you as Savior!