love endures many things
Love is the greatest gift of all. Love endures many things in this world. Love keeps going, it doesn't stop, it is constantly trying, and moving forward, not staying in the past. Love isn't taking sides, its understanding. Love is responding when someone is reaching out to you. Love isn't selfish, and it isn't just when you need it. Love is forever, it is lasting, and never keeps score. In this world we have a crazy mixed up version of what the world says love is. The world tells us love is self, that we deserve all, not considering those around us, whatever we want we should have no matter the cost to another. The world tells us its okay to live with another, its okay to allow lust to take over, and just because we feel something, its love. Love isn't just a feeling, love is much more. Love is giving, not giving up all you had for another, its not sacrificing yourself to please another. Love isn't taking just when its convenient for you. Love comes around to spend time with those who are close to you. Love gives love in return. So what happens when you are giving, giving all you have in everyway you can and nothing is happening on the other side? You keep giving, you keep trying, and you keep allowing God to work through you. When that other person sees all your trying to do, they cannot say that you do not love them, they cannot say you are not trying, they see the love you are sending, and its impossible for them not to feel something. They may be rejecting you now, but one day with the hope of Christ, He will make things right and bring you together. We seem to endure alot for love, for the sake of love. But look at what Christ did for love, He gave His life, He gave all, and He was willing to forgive all for their sins. He took love, and made it real. Today love is fake to so many, today others seem to love when its necessary for their needs. Love doesn't lie, it doesn't cheat, and it doesn't take from another's heart out of revenge. Enduring love can be hard at times, but its what God has called us to do. He called us to love all, to give love, and to show others His love. Isn't that really where love came from? The joy of love can bring tears, just as the heartache of love can bring tears to one's cheeks. Without love we would be lost, with the love of Christ we have everything. When we are hurt by others we love, we must remember it isn't them, it is satan working against us to bring destruction to all we love and cherish. But Christ has overcome satan, and He knows the end of the story, He knows love conquers all, His love. When we are feeling hurt of another's rejection of our love, we must remember Christ is rejected daily, He continues to give love although He may never receive it from another, so we too should follow in His steps, and keep loving, keep giving, and keep praying for those we love. 1 Corinthians 13 speaks on love, what it is, and what it isn't. For us to love, we need to follow Christ's example. Love is worth giving even when its not being returned, for through our love we are showing the love of Christ~