I wish I could say that I lived each day as though it was Sunday. Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Its the day I get up earlier, set my mind upon Christ, and get ready to hear all about Him, fill my heart with His Spirit, fellowship with those around me and enjoy my day with Him. Why is it that everyday is not Sunday with me? Why is it that everyday is not Sunday with those who believe in Him? I am trying to rattle that one around in my brain for awhile. Sunday is so special to us, we make extra efforts for that one day, but why do we not do it everyday? Why is everyday not lived out like Sunday? We seem to go, go, go, all throughout the week and then Sunday is here and my lesson is still not complete, but all the things I wanted to do throughout the week are done or atleast almost done. At times we act as though Sunday is the last day of the week when it is the first day of the week and we should be living out each day as though it was just made for Him. I remember as a child on Sundays no one could buy beer, the liquor stores were all closed, the stores were closed and if you wanted to buy gas to fill up your tank, you better do it on Saturday, because Sunday the gas stations were even closed. People use to hold Sunday as a day for the Lord, a day that was special. Today as we stop at our local gas station for a soda before church, I sit in the car and watch so many go in and come out with cases of beer, ready for the day. So many are in need of Christ, and on Sunday I can dress up, carry my bible, and smile for everyone I see, but am I doing that throughout the week? As I walk by someone am I smiling at them, am I reaching out to the lost world around me? I can sit in the pew on Sunday and feel the Lord breathe in me His word, I can go to the altar and pray before Him laying all my prayers at His feet, but the building is not the church, its the people who are the church. We can have church anywhere God's people are gathered, so as we see people everyday of the week, are we living out the church to those around us? I have to be honest and say yes, I have my days where I am following Christ with everything I have, and then there are those days where I am following my flesh. Its those days in which I seem to falter and I have no one to blame except myself. Its not God's fault things went wrong, its mine for not following Him and beginning my day with Him. We can feel Him around us and within us daily if we will just die to ourselves and seek Him. I want everyday of my life to be Sunday, to live for Him, to search His word, and to fill my heart with His love. Sunday is in our hearts, it can be one day a week, or it can be everyday we breathe. What is it for you? For me, I need to make changes in my life and in my walk so that each day is Sunday in my life.