Saturday, August 1, 2009

How big is your bag?

If you are a friend of mine, and you know me oh so well, you know that I love big bags. I love purses of all kinds, but the bigger the better. You just never know what your gonna need to have in a moments notice. I really don't know how you girls carry those cute little bags. Oh, I have tried, but as I take my stuff out of my big bag and try to sort through it, and place all the "Things" I think I can do without away, and just carry what I need, it never works. I always go back to my big bag, and just let the cute little ones sit in the closet to admire. Don't we do that in life, admire the little bags others carry? Sometimes my bag just seems so heavy I can't manage it on my own. I try as I may to carry it, protect it, and keep it from harm, but it gets so overloaded that I can no longer carry it on my own. We try so hard to carry such loads thinking we can handle it, but we start to break, and from the heaviness of the load we start to grow weary. Isn't like that when we carry sin around with us? We just keep piling it into the bag, carrying it with us until we completely fall from the weight. Unless we can let go of that sin, it will keep weighing us down, and just as a bird with wet wings,we won't be able to fly for Jesus. The weight is too much to bare alone, thats why we cry out to Jesus. He can forgive us, and release the hold those chains have on us. Once they are gone, we are free to soar, we are free to walk again without feeling the weight of burden. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, adn you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden light." Matt.11:28-30 Are these not amazing verses? Give all we have to Jesus, He will forgive us, and take our burdens. Even though we are sinners, He loves us so much and wants to help us in our walk. We cannot walk if our burdens are heavy, we stay low, and feel the weight dragging us down. But we do not have to bare these alone. Jesus can take them, heal us, and bring love and comfort our way. We all carry many different purses, and we all carry different things inside. No one knows really but us what we carry, no one but us and God. He knows what you are carrying today. Allow Him to carry your load,take all those things that you dont want to carry any longer and place them in His hands. We not only carry sin in our bags, but we carry so many things that are hurting us. Let go of the pain, let go of the jealousy,the anger, the resentment of others, let go of your pasts, let go of wanting, let go of all and give it to Jesus, and watch what He can do with it all. Empty that bag out today honey, go through each piece you have, let go of it, and let Christ lighten your load, let His love cover you and raise you up from the weight you have been carrying. Then you can carry that cute little bag you have been lookin at in your closet, for you will learn, you really didn't need all those things you were carrying around..


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