do you always speak with wisdom?
Here is a question for you. Do you always open your mouth with wisdom? With kindness? For me I try daily to speak with wisdom, I try to be kind to everyone I meet. I'm really not sure just how the virtous did it. "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and her tongue is on the law of kindness."Proverbs 31:26 I find myself wondering if this was a struggle for her too, or did she possess a gift of wisdom upon all her words she chose to speak. I think one part of wisdom is knowing when to speak and when to be quiet, how to say the words of your heart without judgement, and to speak with a soft answer that calms all around you, not stiring up strife. I believe the virtous woman is our example on how to be Godly women to all in our lives. To know wisdom, is not always speaking wisdom. I know wisdom, but there are times I allow my mouth to shout out my thoughts without thinking first. And there are times when we think before we speak, but where are we getting those thoughts? Are they Godly thoughts, or are they worldly thoughts twisted in with our emotions? Our emotions can take over our speech, with our actions to follow. So what was the secret behind the virtous woman? For one, she wasn't a busybody, she wasn't always trying to find out the scoop on everyone around her. She had a relationship with God, which started in the morning and did not end until she closed her eyes. She was a woman who knew her place, who knew God's standards and she made a choice to follow them. It doesn't say if she ever stumbled, if she struggled in her walk as she did her daily tasks, but it says so much of who we need to be, who we need to strive to be. God did not place her in Proverbs for us to look over lightly. We were meant to study her, to understand her ways, and to see that if she could do it, we can with Christ living inside us. To read about her we can learn so much about being a woman, a God fearing woman, strong in God, a woman who loves her husband, a woman who her children call her blessed. She isn't lazy, she is a hard worker who knows there is purpose to everthing that touches her. "Who can find a virtous wife? For her worth is far above rubies." Proverbs 31:10 I know women such as her. They have touched my life in a special way. They lived what they believed, they stood for what is right and pure. They chose to follow Christ with each day. Not that these women didn't stumble or falter, but when they did, they knew just how to get back on track. Their lives speak Christ. Ms. Venida Powers, Ms. Joan Burnett, Ms. Dorthy Anderson, Ms. Gerdie Jennings, Ms. Libby Reed, Ms. Millie Barnes, Ms. Joy Ragsdale, Ms. Maxine Hoffman, Ms. Fern Reed are all women who have been examples of the virtous woman in life. Some have passed on to be with the Lord, and I cannot wait to get a hug from them again, to see them, and to share heaven with them. Often times younger women want to figure it all out on their own. That is not a wise way to live daily. We have Christ to show us in His word, and He has given us those women to show us the way by the way they chose to live. Each woman who has touched my life has given me a piece of themselves, a little piece of wisdom to hang on to. I have a long way to go before I can possess the wisdom and love these ladies have shown in their lives. We have much to learn from their struggles, their achievments, the different seasons in their lives, the blessings and the loss. The virtous woman is one we should be striving to behold each day. We can be accountable to each other, we can lift one another up, we can grow and learn together. Whoever was touched by the virtous woman in Proverbs 31 was blessed beyond measure, just as I am to have these ladies to have touched my life with such an impact. What are you striving for today? Are you struggling as a woman, as a wife, as a mother, as a friend? Turn to Proverbs and gain strength from the Lord. We must not look to her and have the opinion that we will never make that bar, we should know "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 These women didn't get there in one day, it takes time, time spent with the Lord, time thinking of others and not ourselves. Time spent in giving not wondering if you are going to receive. Are you teachable or do you have it all figured out? For me, just when I think I have it all figured out it is gone. We must be teachable, we must keep our hearts open, and be humble. Its okay not to know all about everything. Its okay to stumble, its okay not to be perfect. Although these women are beautiful on the outside, it wasn't that beauty that made them special, it was the beauty they carried on the outside that shined. You and I can be virtous women. We have examples in God's word and around us. Have an older woman mentor you, have her share her heart with you, and it will change your life forever...