Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Take My Hand....

God works in all our lives so differently. As I read an email from one of my bff's, she reminded me that even though we aren't seeing each other as much, for right now life and the Lord are moving us in different ways, our love and friendship is still there. It hasn't gone anywhere and for us it isn't going to move that easy. Satan tries so hard to put ideas in our minds when we are moving and serving God. He puts all this clutter and temptations infront of us to try to jar us, to move us farther away from where Christ is sending us. He can make us feel as though no one likes us, no one loves us, and we are not important. He can try to change what we are doing for Christ into personal achievements. We can lose sight of where we are headed for Christ. We at times get so blinded by the world, satan knows just what are weakness' are. We stop listening to Christ and we begin to listen to what the world is telling us and we hear satans voice also. Just as Christ is calling us daily, satan has his own agenda. He wants to destroy everything good, our walk, our friendships, and the dreams that God has instilled in us. We must be on guard against him, and his ways. We must walk with our eyes open and allow our hearts to be lead by Christ. We can be walking and fall and trip so easily in our daily battles if we are not totally focused on what is right and true, what God has planned for each day. Satan can even get us into thinking, I can never accomplish that, I can never do those things, my life is such a mess, I am struggling, I am jealous, I am not good enough, I want more, I want a different scene today. Do you notice all the "I"s in those phrases? We must remove the "I"s, and replace them with "Him". "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13 We can accomplish any tast at hand, infront of us, any dream God has for us to fulfill, with Jesus Christ taking our hand and leading us. We must let those fears go. We have nothing to fear with Christ in us. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1 We have nothing to fear from anyone or anything that enters our path. Go for those dreams that God is giving. Listen to Him speak to you. Be still knowing God is with us always never letting anything touch us that as not first touched Him. There is learning is all that crosses our paths. Today as you wake, don't let those fears, any fears you have get in your way. No that with Christ taking our hand, He will lead us into the greatness He has planned for us to bring glory and honor to Him...


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