A Reflection of What?
Our lives all reflect something? What is your life reflecting? As I sit today and think upon this question,my hope is that my life is a reflection of Jesus Christ being the center of my being. I have to be honest and humbly say,its not always the case. I want so much to be who Christ wants me to be,but sometimes I allow the world to seep in,bit by bit. Many times I fail and fall into the traps of this world. It can be easy if we are not awake to what is going on around us. We must not fall asleep, waking to find ourselves lost in a hopeless world of evil. "Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God." 1 John 1:11We are to stay clear of what is evil. And evil is anything that takes our eyes off Jesus. Evil is not only murder,it is living a life in the world,living a life to feed our flesh. We don't even have to be christians to know right from wrong. But as christians we should be walking a different beat to the world. We should keep our eyes and ears open and ready to hear the voice of Christ. We need to put our whole faith in God,not the things of this world. So many times in my life I have let my needs and wants come before God's and what does that say? It says I think I am more important than Christ. When we live our lives selfishly, we are putting ourselves ahead of God and His desires for us. When we meet people,how are we treating them? Are we walking with love? Many times we are not. We can be one way at home and another out in front of people. What we are willing to do in the open, speaks volumes about what we are doing when no one is watching. It is so easy today to turn on the television and watch instead of changing the channel to things we know we shouldn't be watching. To tune into a radio station that is not bringing glory to God is not being good,but allowing evil to come into our homes. What we think of as little,satan thinks of as major. If he can creep in just a little at a time,we will be way over our heads with sin,before we know what hit us. We must stay in the word, we must see those around us, and have other christian friends to help us be accountable for our actions. The more we leave the word out of our lives the more satan is coming in. Just like if you miss a Sunday of church,then next week you deside to stay home,then that third time doesn't feel so bad. Before you know it,you are out of church altogether and have replaced it with something else. We must fill our lives and our minds with Christ and Christ-like attitudes. To be a great example to others, we must begin with ourselves. Our actions, and the way we choose to live speaks volumes of the lack of God in our lives, or shows our lives are totally commited to God. So where do you stand today? Which side are you living on? We can't have it both ways. We can't have good and evil in our lives. One will overshadow the other. Today as I take in this verse I pray my life will be a reflection of Christ. I pray I will put all that is in this world out of my life, and allow Christ to shine through. To live for Christ we must give up the world. Are you ready to make a difference for Christ? May we stand together, learn together, grow together, and let Christ shine in this dark world we live in, pray for evil to stay clear of our lives,and pray that God will give us the strength to overcome evil...