Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why are we afraid to ask God to bless us?

We seem to think that we aren't suppose to ask God to bless us. At times we think it selfish,knowing that so many are hurting and are weary. Why is that so? God has many blessings stored for us,they are like unopened gifts ready to be sent our way. What happens to those gifts if we never ask for His blessings? Do they go unopened? When we get to heaven and see all the presents He has stacked up for us in our "Present Room",and ask "Why didn't you give those to me?" He might just say,"Why didn't you ask?"It isn't selfish to pray for ourselves and ask for God to bless us. For the longest time in my life, I never asked for prayer for myself. I thought it was selfish,and that I should put others before me. I was so wrong. Yes, we bring others to Christ's feet and ask His blessings for them,but we too are to ask Him for our blessings. So many people go through life not asking,and then wondering why didn't God bless me more. Our bodies are His Holy Temple,we are His children,ofcourse He wants to bless us. Today as I was reading I found a few verses I want to share.Psalm 67:1-7 "God be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us,that Your way may be known on earth,Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You,O God; Let all the peoples praise You.Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously,and govern the nations on earth. Let the peoples praise You,O God;Let all the peoples praise You. Then the earth shall yield her increase; God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him." In this verse he is speaking of blessing us, sending us His mercy. For all the peoples on earth to praise His name,we have to praise His name and show all that He has done for us through blessings bestowed upon us. The world is not going to know,unless we get up and tell them. We can share with the world what Jesus has done for us. We can share prayer,and share how to live for Him. God knows our needs, He hears our prayers before we state them,but I imagine He loves hearing us call upon His name. Just as when we were small and called out to our momma's,asking for a gift. Do you remember her giving you a gift and look upon her face? It was a look of joy. She had joy,because we found joy in her giving. Jesus is not our santa claus.We cannot go to Him for every whim we have,He isn't the lottery,where all we want He will give. He will give His blessings according to His will and way. We can ask for His blessings. I want what He has for me. Everything good that is in our lives is from His loving hands. The next time your praying,listen to Him, while you are praying for others to receive His blessings, ask Him also for His gifts for you....


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