Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Did you ever have a blister?

Have you ever found yourself taking a long walk,maybe at the zoo,and you find that you wore the wrong shoes? The more you walk,the more that blister starts to grow.Soon you have this huge red spot,and your skin is ready too burst from the rubbing of your shoe the wrong way.So to make it easier on ourselves,we either try walking slower,or we just take off our shoes. Our christian walk can be this way.One day we can be walking along and find ourselves in over our heads.Offenses just seem to come out of nowhere,or we can be attacked for unknown reasons. As those things begin to happen we can find ourselves walking too fast,we might be reading the word,but are we really taking it all in,so our heart understands what our minds just read.In this world we live in we can get to where we are so busy and caught up in the things around us,we start traveling way too fast and our feet can get out beneath us.We need not to take those offenses at heart,and have a forgiving heart so we can move on,and not carry that burden on our back.We need to slow down in life,take each moment for what it is.Take the good,and leave the bad.Count each moment we have as a blessing.You have heard,"Slow down and smell the roses." We need to do that.We need to take off our shoes and go dive in for a swim.Enjoy all that we do,and do all we do for Christ's glory, not ours. If we learn to slow down,get into God's word,we will be able to see the wonders of God's creation at our feet,or we can choose this fast pace of life and be walking so fast we miss all the important things right in front of us. Blisters hurt,and we get them because we either don't have the right shoes on,or we are walking way to fast. So in our walk with Christ lets make sure we have the right stuff on for our walk and we are deep in His word,and slow down a bit,relax,and enjoy the best moments He gives us....


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