Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are you able to stand?

As we are babies learning to walk,its hard at first.You can remember your own children beginning to walk,and seeing the unsteadiness in their eyes.They look to you to hold out your hand,ready to catch them if they fall. When they do fall what happens? They get right back up and try again. They don't just stand one day and learn to walk,it takes time and time again of falling first to learn just how to stand. We have to fall in the same way to learn just how to stand! We can't just take off on our own and walk.If we do,we fall and many times sometimes.We have to learn we need help,we need that hand as we gave a hand to our children helping them learn to walk. They didn't do without bruised knees or even scraps.We must learn to walk first before we can run.Oh, how we can run with Jesus giving us His strength and leadership.He gives His hand,and gives it freely to help us,to help us take that first step,then soon we are able to walk across the room no matter what is waiting on the other side.God is that mighty hand that reaches down to His children and helps them when they need it the most,even if they think they got it all on their own,He will show us,its not done without Him. Oh,and with Him all things are possible.Philipians 4:13"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."We can take those steps with God,nothing is impossible with Christ on our side. He makes all things possible. He will give His hand to the lonely,to the confused,to the weak,and to the humble. His hand is always there,we just have to reach out and take it. Just as we learned to walk with our parents standing close,we must learn to walk as christians with Christ standing near ready to catch us when we fall, and help us stand again. We can stand,and we can stand with our helds held high for Christ. If He is willing to stand with us,we should be willing to stand with Him through all that faces us. Today if you are learning to walk as a new christian,take the hand of God,and let Him lead you. If you have fallen,take His hand and He will lead you right back to where He wants you. If you are afraid,take His hand and allow Him to calm your fears. Take His hand today and watch what happens with Him in the lead.....


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