Friday, May 1, 2009


John 4:14 says "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed,the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life". Have you ever been so thirsty that you drank soda, cool-aid,tea,or milk,and nothing satisfied you at all? We can be so thirsty at times and nothing satisfies like water. There is something about water that quenches your thirst. It leaves us feeling satisfied and calm. I have learned that when we go out to eat, I order water with my meal. With water you can taste everything so much better. Soda or other things just seem to take the taste away,but water gives something special. Our bodies are made of water,there is more water on earth than land,and we cannot live without water. I think God was trying to tell us something. He was making a good point.We need water,it is valuable to us,and life giving to all. As in the verse,if we drink the living water of Christ we will thirst no more. Only He can supply us with the Living Water. Nothing else can satisfy us like His water. Who did He invite to come drink? Everyone,in John 7:37-39 it tells us that He invited all to drink His water.In verse 39 He tells us that He is the Living Water.When we are thirsty all we have to do is go to the Lord and He will fill us with His living water.The Holy Spirit,and His word. We must stop trying so hard to quench our thirsts in other areas,nothing will ever fill us the way water does,and only one person has living water,and that is Christ. The next time you are thirsty and you feel like nothing is calming you,giving you peace,go to the Living Water and see how He can fill you with His love.


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