Friday, May 15, 2009

The Sun

This time of year I just love the sun. I love to lay out in the sun with a glass of tea,a good book,and just the rays of sun beaming down on me. The sun, makes my body feel so good and relaxed. As I lay out it is a time of quiet and peace for awhile.As I lay in the sun,I talk to the Son. It is a time when I can spend time with him,and pray.Just talking and sharing with Him. I am amazed that as we look at all things around us,they all point to the Son. The earth rotates around the sun.The sun shines down upon all creation and helps it grow. We can also say that all on this earth revolves around the Son,and the Son shines down upon us and gives us all we need. The sun gives our bodies an important vitamin,vitamin D,we don't get very far without it,just as the sun gives us an important vitamin,the Son also gives us something we cannot live without,and that is living water. In John 4:10 it says; "If you knew the gift of God,and who it is who says to you,'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water." Then as we go down to John 4:14 it says; "but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." Just as earth could not survive without the sun,we cannot survive without the Living Water that Jesus talks about. As this earth spins,and rotates around the sun,all things under the Son are taken care of by His love. Isn't it great when we get a chance to soak up the Son.


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