Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Bracelet

Today I had a few early Mothers Day gifts. My husband walks in with my favorite candy,and my son comes in the door with roses in his hand,and cards.Later on that day,my son gives me a bracelet he has bought me with his own money from his first job,and his first paycheck. I have to say that one,made my day. For him to love his momma so much,and to give me something I just love. It wasn't the gift,it could have been anything.It was him,the very first card and present he was able to buy me with his own money. That speaks volumes to me about what love is.Its not how big the gift is, or where it came from or even how much it cost. It is the love behind it,the thought,the message from my sons heart straight to mine.God has blessed me with a wonderful son,in whom I love so dearly and I am so very proud of. I will treasure this little bracelet for all my life,for the meaning of it is love,and what an awesome love I have for a little boy who stole my heart 17 years ago this month. The look in my sons eyes when he gave me my bracelet,and told me,"Mom,open your hand,and close your eyes",will forever be printed on my heart.


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