In our lives,I believe nothing happens by chance. All happens for a reason,and a purpose. I don't believe in chance or luck. I believe that God is always moving in our lives to bring us closer to Him. One of my bestfriends makes cards, yep, I'm gonna say her name, its Tami. She makes the most beautiful cards I have ever seen. She loves to make cards, I love to send'em. She is one who encourages me to write also. I have my friend Bobbie,who I love with all my heart, she seems to bring out the creativity in me. She blesses me with her laugh and oh how I love to see her praise God,and raise her hands up high. My friends lead me to this blog page. I think the first blog I read was Ashleys. It was amazing how she wrote all those poems, and placed all her thoughts down for others to see. I have so many stories like this that I could tell. The thing that has blessed me this week is my blogging and facebook. I have met the most amazing people. I can go to my homepage and see all these christian women gathered and they are writing and sharing about God. Everyone that I have become friends with on my page are christians. It is so awesome to learn and grow with others all over the nation. I have met woman with MS ,migraines, sickness's, writers, singers, women who struggle with family,with faith, and who have overcome obsticles with God's grace. Through my page, I had met a woman whose sister tried to end her life. I was able to pray for this young girl, and then become friends with her. I got to share with these women a common bond, Jesus. He leads us to others to touch them and to have them touch us through His love. All that has been happening in my life is because of Jesus. I can surround myself with old friends and new,and focus on Jesus,not ourselves. I can spend time with these women and not worry about gossip. those that I have met just have the Lord shinning through them and I want to be a light bearer for Jesus. I want to be able to touch others with His love in my life. I have been so blessed by others stories, they have changed me, and help me look at things through a different light, Jesus. At first all I wanted to do was write and just chat with my friends,but it has become so much more than that. If all I ever write is this blog, then I know thats what Gos's will was for my life. If it never goes any further,then those that read it and were touched by one thing, well then God moved. If I never move out of this circle of friends He has placed in my life,I can still call myself blessed. I have seen God move this week. I have seen Him touch the lives of those around me, and to bring joy into my heart. All I can do today is praise God, praise His name, and praise all He has done.