Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hosea is one of my favorite books of the bible. In this book we see Christ. We see Him calling us,we run,and He still comes for us even through all the pain and hurt. In Hosea, God called him to marry a prostitute,and he followed. As he did,she left him numerous times to go back to her old life.As she left,Hosea followed. He continued to bring her home,and love her with each step of the way. How often do we run from Christ? How many times has He come calling and with His words of love He brought us back into His loving arms? This is one of the most beautiful stories of love in the bible.It would sell millions at the movies,as a love story. This story is really about Christ and us,His love for us,and our relationship. Hosea learned a valuable lesson.He prayed for His wife. He layed her at the feet of Christ. With that prayer God answered,and she learned the lesson of uncondisional love. Isn't that what God gives us? He doesn't ever give up on us,we give up on Him,and in our selfish struggles we run and live life for us. Life was meant to live for Christ,to love Him and bring Him glory. In this story it is that picture that God does answer prayer.It may not be in our time,but in God's time. When we know those who have turned away,maybe they haven't even come yet,we pray,and pray without ceasing. This story didn't happen over night,it took time for Hosea's wife to learn and grow.She had to come back herself.She had to make the choice of love. We can learn so much from Hosea's passion for God and love for his wife to continue to go for her,never giving up.Thats what real love is. Its a picture of Christ's love for us.


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