Tuesday, May 5, 2009


If you are like me,you have compared yourself to others.Is that right,and should we be doing that?No,we shouldn't,but we do,and we do it often. We compare our looks to others,our jobs,our families,our troubles,our blessings,our talents,and just how much we have accomplished in our lives.I could go on and on with the things we compare with others. Its like that is what the world wants us to do,and its not what God wants us to do.I had met a christian singer at one time,and before the concert I got to meet him and shake hands with him. As I walked up and saw him standing there,nothing,I mean nothing would come out of my mouth.I even tried to speak,no sound,no words,my husband steped in for me to talk!!! Afterwards as I started thinking,I compared myself to him and all he was doing for Christ. I thought wow,he is out there sharing from his heart who and what God is to him,and he is reaching thousands.Then I thought of myself and begin to question what I was doing for the Lord.I just knew God was more proud of him for all he was doing and all the people he was reaching.That was satan talking in my ear that day.Satan makes us think that others are such better christians than we are.Satan tells us we aren't doing anything for God's kingdom.If we listen to satan enough,we will be flat on the floor,crying about how useless we are to God.Later on,I realized this singer was a sinner just as I am,and he is waking up everyday on the same level I am. In God's eyes there is no greater christian than another.He loves us all the same,as if we were His only child,He doesn't compare us to our brothers and sisters in Christ. That is just something really goofy we can fall into. We cannot even compare ourselves to other women,workers,anyone in this world.We were all made unique,God designed us all different to do different work,and to reach different people at different times. Where one person can reach out to others and share Christ,I can reach out in my way that God is leading,and reach others. No ones job is more important than the other. It takes a whole body of the church to make it run properly.Just as not just one part of our body will work without the others.Its all complete and whole when God looks at all His children.As one can sing,another can hear the music and praise God.As one preaches,others take that word and go share.As one is full of mercy there is another that is a prophet.God gave all of us different gifts to use in different areas of our lives.Romans 12:6-8 says,"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying,let him use it in proportion to his faith.If it is serving,let him serve;if it is teaching,let him teach;if it is encouraging,let him encourage;if it is contributing to the needs of others,let him give generously; if it is leadership,let him govern diligently;if it is showing mercy,let him do it cheerfully." 1 Peter4:10 says; "Each one should use whatever gift he has recieved to serve others,faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." No one has better gifts,more talents.God has given all of us different talents and gifts to use for HIS glory,not our own.We are all workers of God's army,we all can touch the world with the special gifts that God chose for each one of us.


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