Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Daughter......

A daughter is such a blessing. From the moment my baby girl was born I knew she was special, a gift from God. Just me and her, there in the room, and I look down at her and she grabs my little finger. That was our bond. We were already connected,though I had carried her for nine months and felt her grow,but this was different, that first touch, that first look, for me, I will never forget. I new she would be strong, she is still strong today, with a beauty that not many hold. I taught her to read and to write, she loved Barney. She knew every song. From her first birthday to her eighteenth birthday I remember each and every one. Its so easy when they are little at times. You can hold them and protect them. Shield them from harm. You can cover them when they are cold, and take hold of them when they are scared. Its a blessing to watch your baby girl grow. When they are young we say if only they were just a little older and they could do this or that on their own. Then that day comes, and they can do all those things on their own. Then we wish we could turn back time, and if we could, we would have held them more tightly, gave more hugs, made sure we did everything perfect, so they knew just how much they are loved. I prayed over my baby girl from the time I was pregnant, while she was small, and as she grew. My baby girl is so gifted, she has a beautiful voice, she is so smart, she lights up a room just by entering, and oh can she make you laugh. She has many dreams, many loves, she has become her own person. They say your children are a reflection of their parents. I hope those who look at her see that, but she has taught me many things along the way. The most important thing is to listen, and that I do not always have to be right.She has taught me to look at the inside of a person, not just the outside. I have been blessed beyond measure to have her for my daughter. I just made her a special afgan. One that she has been waiting on for a very long time. My prayer is that when shes feeling sad, alone, scared, or confused, she can cover up,snuggle in her afgan, and know that her mommas arms are around her, and I am praying for her daily, and shes never alone. From pigtails and bows to college and knowledge. Shes a blessing from above, and will always be my baby girl...


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