Bible Study With Wonderful Friends......
I love to study Gods word, although it is not always easy to set a time and stick with it. I hope I'm not the only one with that problem. I wanted to do a study with my closest friends, but they were not available. One friend said, pray, and go outside our box, see who God leads you to and ask them. I did this, and to my amazement He lead me to a group of ladies, one at a time I asked them if they would like to study with me. Sure enough each one said, this is what I've been looking for. By word of mouth we even had another join our study. This study has been such a blessing to me, and the ladies I study with share and are so very smart, and have such a love for the Lord. We pray for others, and ourselves, we share from our hearts, and that says alot to put that trust with others. I have found new friendships and strengthened others. Some days we cry, and some we just have to laugh at ourselves. I have such a love and respect for these ladies, they have come to mean so much to me. It is an honor to study Gods word with them. We just get together once a week, bring our sodas, and our stacks of bibles, and even a computer, and we may take ten verses or just two, or maybe someone just needs to be loved on by her friends. Each lady brings something special to our class, and I cant wait for Tuesdays to come. So like me, if you find it hard to find a special time to study, get together with your friends, and make it special, you can hold each other accountable, and strengthen one another. what better way to lift each other up, then to do it with Gods word.......