Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Defying Autism by Karen Mayer Cunningham

I received Karen's book for review. This is the first book I've read on autism. Let me begin by sharing that this is Karen's story. This is her journey. Each journey is unique. 

Karen begins her story with the early years of her life before she was ever married. She shares her dreams and her fears. She truly shares her heart.  It takes a brave woman to bare her soul.

What I admire about Karen is her transparency. She shares the ups and downs. The everyday life. She opens up about her struggles. She too bares her soul about her marriage and all the struggles there. Her husband seems very passive. Having the attitude that everything is going to be okay. They know that something is different, but in the beginning years are almost in denial. 

I too love how Karen never gives up on her son. She shares how difficult it was to have others to truly reach out and help them in this area. Finally, through years of determination she finds answers. She finds the help her family needs. She is so determined.

Some may read this book and get toward the end and find issue. Others will totally agree with Karen. If I was searching for books on Autism this probably wouldn't be my first choice, but like I say, Karen is transparent and I think many can learn from her experiences. 

So, what is it that I take issue with? Well, Karen is involved with a healing church. I must say, God heals! But it seems Karen is put to the test. She must straighten out her own life before healing will come to her son. There are also members of this church who bring about that her son could be filled with a demon. Now, again, demonic presence is reality, but with the way these last chapters are worded doesn't sit well and I can't obviously share what I did like without sharing the issues that trouble me. But, with that being said, this is Karen's experience. She isn't saying this is everyone's experience, but being transparent, and this I LOVE! 

I want to thank Karen for trusting me with her penned words and trusting me to give an honest review. 

This book was a gift from Karen Cunningham for sharing my review with you. 


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