Monday, April 21, 2014

In Golden Splendor by Michael K. Reynolds

I love how Michael K. Reynolds takes a character and makes him so approachable. Once again he has allowed the reader to be carried away to another time and place. Oh, the splendor of it all!!

"In Golden Splendor" continues the story of the Hanley family. Although this second book of the series focuses on Seamus, we too get to catch up with Claire once again. 

After reading book 1 in the series, "Flight of the Earls", (check out my review), I fell in love with the writing of Michael K. Reynolds. This is truly becoming an all time favorite series of mine. I am so excited to open the pages of the last book of this trilogy. 

We truly see that God has a plan for each of us. We may make poor choices and get off track, but God is never off track. He uses our ash for beauty. This is exactly what He goes with the life of Seamus. The Hanley family didn't think Seamus would turn out to be much of a man. Even Clare wasn't so sure he could make it on his own. What I love is the fact that although Seamus felt alone at times, he was never alone. God placed people into his life to guide him to be the man of God he was called to be. 

I loved watching Seamus journey through the unknown. I pitied his character in the first book. In this second his story wavers and he gets tossed about by the storms of life. Many brought on by his own poor choices and then finding himself living with the consequences of those very choices is eye opening. 

The portrait of history that Michael K. Reynolds gives us is spectacular. This is a phenomenal book of the past that gives us a wonderful glimpse of the life of an Irishman and his family as they seek to find freedom and life in a new land.  

This book was a gift from B&H Publishing for sharing my review with you. 

Michael Reynolds is the writers and producer of Emmy and Telly Award-winning film campaigns with more than two decades of experience in fiction, journalism, copywriting, and documentary production. He owns marketing agency Global Studio and is also an active leader in church and business, speaking in both ministry and corporate settings. Michael lives with his wife and three children in Reno, Nevada. 


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