Wednesday, December 14, 2011


When you pick up a book penned by Loree Lough, you know your in for a special treat. She has the ability to take you back in time. She has the gift bringing you to the heart of a character as they experience falling in love, facing struggles and coming to terms with loss. You find yourself cheering on the characters that she brings to life. When they feel joy you cannot have a grin on your face. Loree takes you are on a journey. A journey you won't soon forget. She sets the stage and your off, turning pages all night.

She has written, "From Ashes To Honor", book one in her new series , "The First Responders". Loree takes us back to that day we will never forget. It's that day we now have imprinted on our hearts forever. 9/11 was a tragedy that rocked our world, but brought us together, stronger than ever before. It made us very aware of the sacrifices of those First Responders and the families they have at home waiting each time they leave out on a call.

In this first book, Loree, brings us to know two characters with very different experiences. One who was there in the towers and one helping those First Responders to cope with the nightmares that plague them. This book isn't just about the day of 9/11, but the years following and this day lives with those involved in many different ways. They want to move forward, but guilt overcomes them as they try to forget.

We meet Mercy and Austin. Two people who I fell in love with instantly. Although I wasn't there that day, I could feel their pain. Deep pain. One in a building, another watching, knowing her job was about to get harder. As Austin tries to overcome his pain, Mercy, holds a pain that has been kept hidden as she reached out to others. For me, both of these characters were heroes.

Something I loved was how, Loree, named the character, Mercy. All throughout this book we see God's mercy move. We see Him at work in the lives of those who believe and in the lives of those choosing not to.

If you haven't read a book penned by Loree Lough yet, I encourage you to begin with this remarkable series. It is one you will never forget. I am one of her biggest fans!

Stay tuned for book 2, coming out soon. Watch for the title, Honor Redeemed. Another you will fall in love with, my friends!

This book was a gift from Abingdon Press for it's review.

Loree Lough:
In addition to more than 70 books in print, Loree Lough has coauthored the devotional Be Still . . . and Let Your Nail Polish Dry. Loree’s articles have appeared in major newspapers and magazines, and she is a regular columnist for Christian Fiction Online. Loree lives near Baltimore with her husband and a ‘fraidy cat’ rescue dog.

Take a peek at the book trailer!


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