Sunday, October 9, 2011

In our trust He will show Himself

Today my reading took me to 1 Kings 3:16-28. It is where we see Solomon sharing wisdom with two prostitutes. Now, we have these two women and a story that has two sides. Solomon must consider both sides and choose who is right. That's not always easy to do. Truth usually has three sides. His side, her side and in the middle you find the truth. So, what was Solomon to do?

Here are two women coming before him with one baby. Both saying the baby belongs to them. I have read this story many times and today something new hit me. We often go to Christ and tell Him our side of the story. We want our way. But are we always right? One of these women is very wrong. The woman who switched her dead baby for the child of the woman now standing before Solomon wanting him to see that she is honest in her words. Funny thing is, Solomon can see more of the truth in their actions than through their words.

Solomon in all his wisdom says, "Lets cut the baby in half and you can both be happy." We see the real mother of this child ready and willing to give him up to the other woman if only he can live. She is willing to step back and not be right for the love she has for her child.

As I read I asked myself, "How many times have I stood trying to prove I was right only to walk away with a broken heart?" Sometimes it takes more courage and integrity to walk away than it does to stand and try to prove your right. I am learning this more and more. It has taken me a while to get the message, but for the stubborn girl it's finally arriving.

There is a time to stand and fight and there too is a time to know when to walk away. This mother was willing to give up all she wanted, all she loved. Solomon saw this. He saw the beauty before him of a mother willing to give all. Isn't that what our Father in heaven did for us? He chose to give His only Son for us. He chose love.

From this I think we can learn not to be so quick to be in judgement and take sides. We too can learn to have compassion and grace for others and most of all, to trust God in every situation. I don't know how many times I rushed in to try and fix things only to make them worse. God would have all but had to push me aside as I stepped in His way.

In my immaturity I have thought I was right many times, when in fact, I was wrong. My intentions may have been right, but my actions were all wrong. We can go about sharing our heart in a right way. We often yell and stomp our feet, when in fact, many times we could learn a whole lot more if we just quieted ourselves and did a little more listening and a lot less talking.

Something else I can gather from these verses. These were two prostitutes. Prostitutes who were the lowest of the low. They were looked down upon just as today, but the thing is, Solomon didn't turn them away. He didn't say, "Okay now, only the wealthy, the elite, and all those who have brains can come to me." Everyone was allowed to come before him. This is why he asked for wisdom so he could help his people. So he could make a difference and a difference he made. The same is with our Savior.

"Then Jesus said, 'Come to Me, ALL of YOU who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give YOU rest. Take My yoke upon YOU. Let Me teach YOU, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and YOU will find rest for YOUR souls. For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give YOU is light.'" Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus meant ALL of YOU. He wasn't picking and choosing who He allowed to come to Him. It doesn't matter who we are, He is there for us. It doesn't matter what we have done, He is there for us. It doesn't tell us what happened after Solomon shared his wisdom with these two women. Maybe he even shared more with them. What if this one day was a moment that changed their lives forever? The mother walks away with her child, but maybe she walks away from prostitution. Maybe both women walked away with more than they began with on this day. One woman was grieving from the loss of her child. I cannot begin to imagine her pain. But there is a God who can. He will wrap His arms around those who are grieving. Before we step out and cause another hurt and anguish, we should step back and seek the Lord for His guidance. Hurt people, hurt people. Everyone has a story. If we were able to share our hurts and troubles more openly others would follow and compassion would be more alive.

Notice they were both allowed to share their side of the story and then Solomon would decide. What if we did that in our walk with Christ? What if we simply shared our heart, listened as others share their heart with us and trust God with the decision rather than jumping the gun? We are always in such a rush with decisions. We are so impatient. We just need to trust the Lord and be willing to step back and wait for His answer. After all, isn't it His will that we are suppose to be after? We are never going to know if we continue to get in His way.

Which ever woman you are today, take a step back and call upon the Lord. Ask for His wisdom, His knowledge and trust Him with all your heart. It is in trusting Him that we can walk away in every situation with peace. God isn't out to punish us. He is out to get as close to us as possible.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:5-6


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