Friday, June 17, 2011


Today is a special chat. I get to introduce you all to a sweet friend of mine. A friend that I cherish and one that forever blesses me. She's not one of those girls that are wishy washy. She's true to herself and to the woman God has created her to be. That is where is where her beauty begins. She is filled with grace and somehow always, without a doubt, knows exactly what to say when you are needing Christian wisdom. She is one of the most talented women I know. She is a great example of what a godly woman is. I am so honored to introduce you to, my sweet friend, Tami Mayberry. If you need a hug, she is there to wrap you in love. If you need a laugh, she too is good for a good giggle:) She is that friend who will cheer you on with encouragement and give you that little nudge when your not moving in the right direction. She is that friend everyone searches for, but few find. I am blessed to have her in my life.

Today we get to chat about many things. Tami, is a mother of five awesome children. If you could see these children you would see a reflection not only of their mother, but of Christ. She is a devoted wife and she works hard at her creations, which she will tell you about. I hope you will visit, Tami's blog. She is having  many give a ways right now and I promise you will find treasures beyond anything you can imagine. Her blog is just a fun, inspiring place to be.  You too can find her on Facebook. So, grab yourself your favorite drink and get ready for a blessing.

(Robin)  Tami, it is so awesome to have you join us today. Tell us a little about yourself.
(Tami) I am a wife and stay at home (home schooling) mom of five ages 2 to 16. I enjoy art, crafts, computers and any pretty much combination of the three. In my “spare time” I write articles, create projects, and design ads for craft magazines and manufacturers.

(Robin) Did you grow up in church? When was it that you came to know the Lord as your Savior?
(Tami) I went to church for a while when I was younger after being invited to Vacation Bible School by a friend but I didn’t grow up in church. I was saved when I was 17 after my husband reintroduced me to the Lord and I haven’t looked back since.

(Robin) Throughout your life has there been a time where you have struggled in your faith?
(Tami) Honestly, I can’t say there is. I know a lot of people have stories of trials and tribulations and how they strayed from God and He turned their life around. Like anyone there have been times where I have simply been lazy and not done the things I know I should have been doing to serve. So, yes, I’ve struggled with my walk but really, as far as my faith, I guess I have just always known He was there even before I was saved and really just never thought much about it any other way.

(Robin) As a mother of five beautiful children share with us the greatest blessings and the most challenging moments of being a mother so far.
(Tami) The greatest blessing for me is to see my kids put to work what they have been taught. From their first steps, to learning to read, to standing up for their beliefs in tough situations, each event is a blessing. It’s those moments when I know that things have clicked for them and they really do “get it”. The most challenging moments would have to be the ones where I have to step back and say “it’s up to you” and let them make their own choices. As a mom you want to make the “right” decision for your kids but you can’t. You eventually have to let them grow up and learn from their choices, both good and bad.

(Robin) You are blessed to be married to a wonderful man. What advice would you give to a couple just starting out on how to have a successful marriage?
(Tami) Always be honest. Don’t sweat the little things. Don’t worry about who is right. Admit when you are wrong. Think about your actions/words and before you open your mouth ask yourself “is it really that important”

(Robin) Many women struggle with the word, "Submission". Tami, in your life how is this a blessing for you?
(Tami) Many people tend to take that verse out of context. It’s not just about women being submissive. It’s about relationships. If you continue on, husbands are to love their wives like Christ loved the church. So, really, if your husband loves you like Christ (enough to give his life for you!) he will treat you with respect and love and submission is a pretty simple concept.

(Robin) Anyone who knows you, knows that you are a gifted woman. God has blessed you with such amazing ability to take something so simple and turn it into something of beauty. You have been featured in magazines, books and you even have your own line of creations. What is it that you love about scrap booking? Can you share with us how your journey began and how you see it growing?
(Tami) I have always loves art and crafting. I began scrap booking back in 1997 after hearing about it on Focus on the Family. From there one thing just led to another. In 2004 I was teaching some classes at a local store and made a greeting card to go along with the concept I was teaching. I submitted the design to a publisher and again one thing lead to another. (Love it when God does that!) I’ve pretty much stepped away from scrap booking except just for fun but have been creating handmade cards for publications for close to 7 years now. I’ve even had the opportunity to do 3 books with one of my favorite publishers. As I said earlier, I like art, computers, crafts and any combination of the three. So, about 3 years ago I began combining art with my computer knowledge to create rubber stamps for Gina K Designs. Now, I get to combine all three of those interests into one project! God has blessed me with many great opportunities and relationships along the way and I am just amazed beyond words when I look back and see how one opportunity or relationship has led to another.

(Robin) Tami, we learn what is important and what to let go of. We wear many hats at mothers and wives. How do you make time for everything?
(Tami) I am very blessed to have children that are both helpful and independent. They help me a lot and typically do what they are asked without question. I also have a husband that keeps me in check and reminds me that I can’t do everything. Even though I would really like to! There are many days that I have to just take a deep breath, ask myself where is it that God is leading me and then say thank you, but no.

(Robin) Women struggle with beauty so much today. We look to Hollywood and magazines for what beauty is. It's easy to share with a girlfriend what we think is beautiful about her, but when it comes to us, we struggle. We seem to direct our eyes to all we don't like. Tami, do you ever find yourself struggling in this area?
(Tami) All the time! It’s especially difficult after having baby #5 at 35.

(Robin) As this world tells young people it's not cool to remain pure. What advice would you give to a young girl today struggling with remaining pure and giving in to the pressures of this world?
(Tami) I am usually pretty much to the point on that topic, just as I am on most things. Think long and hard about the consequences of your decisions because it’s one of those things that you will deal with for the rest of your life. It’s something you can’t take back once it is done and you have to stand up for what is right.

(Robin) Tami, as my friend, you always seem to know just what I need to hear. Sometimes that truth comforts and sometimes those words sting as I must face the truth. What is the best advice you have ever been given?
(Tami) I would say it is more the nature of the advice more than the actual advice itself. It does me no good for someone to tell me what they think I want to hear. I’m not one who likes to have things sugar coated. It’s when someone tells me what I *need* to hear whether it is what I want to hear or not. Sometimes the truth hurts but it’s what makes the changes we need.

(Robin) On a typical in the Mayberry home, what would we find, Tami, doing?
(Tami) Pretty much the same things as any stay at home mom with 5 kids … Laundry, cooking, laundry, cleaning and more laundry.

(Robin) In 2011 my one word is, Surrender. Tami, what is your one word?
(Tami) Focus-focus on God, Focus on my family, Focus on where He wants me to be, Focus on helping others

(Robin) How do you define success?
(Tami) Looking back and knowing you followed the path that God lead you on even if it wasn’t always the most popular or most financially beneficial decision.

(Robin) In your legacy, what do you hope to leave behind?
(Tami) Independent, honest, hardworking children who are grounded in their faith and eager to serve the Lord and help those around them.

(Robin) I know reading is not on the top of your list of favorite hobbies. Raising five children keeps you busy. As mothers we must remember to make time for ourselves. On your perfect day where you have time for just you, what is it that you would be doing?
(Tami) Shopping at thrift stores with my girls or a friend or just hanging out at home in my pajamas.

(Robin) With all the wisdom you carry today, if you could go back to being eighteen, what advice would you give yourself that you now know would better prepare you for life?
(Tami) Enjoy every moment, seize every opportunity and don’t make plans.

(Robin) What advice would you give to a new mommy just beginning the journey of motherhood?
(Tami) Enjoy it. It goes by fast. Look for the blessings among the trials and never overlook an opportunity to grow closer to your children. The older they get the more important those bonds become.

(Robin) One year as a gift you gave me a box of cards you created. Still today that was one of the most precious gifts I have received. Tami, what is one of the sweetest gifts you have received and why?
(Tami) The gift of time. Material things are easily lost, broken or forgotten. But, when someone sees you struggling or in need and takes the time to be there that is the best gift you could ask for.

(Robin) As a mother, what are some amazing lessons you have learned from your children?
(Tami) Whining doesn’t work. And, when you fall down just brush off the dirt and get back up.

(Robin) In a hurting world, what encouraging words would you give a friend struggling today with trial after trial?
(Tami) I think the most important thing is to try and focus on blessings instead of trials and remember God is in control, always. Life is filled with trials. That is what makes us stronger and draws us closer to God. Unfortunately, many people have a lot to be thankful for but don’t even realize it because they are too busy complaining about how hard life is. I think this sums it up pretty well: It is not a question of God allowing or not allowing things to happen. It is part of living. Some things we do to ourselves, other things we do to each other. Our Father knows about every bird which falls to the ground, but He does not always prevent it from falling. What are we to learn from this? That our response to what happens is more important than what happens. Here is a mystery: one man’s experience drives him to curse God, while another man’s identical experience drives him to bless God. Your response to what happens is more important than what happens. –Chip Brogden

(Robin) Tami, you are so encouraging to those around you. Has there been a time in your life where you were the one needing encouragement?
(Tami) All the time. But, thankfully God always seems to send just the right person or just the right words at just the right time.

(Robin) Having patience is not always easy. It is hard waiting. Waiting for answers. Tami, in those times of waiting, how is it that you get through and simply trust the Lord?
(Tami) I used to be very impatient. Many times I still am. I get in a hurry and want to get things done or to get where I’m going. And those are the times when God says hey, I’m in control here. And that is when it is time to just take a deep breath, realize I am not the one in control, sit down and listen. I love Francesca Battistelli’s song This is the Stuff. It pretty much sums it up.

(Robin) Tami, it has been a blessing having one of my dearest friends stop in to share. As you have blessed us with encouraging words, is there a prayer request you have that we could place at the feet of Jesus for you, lifting you up in prayer today?
(Tami) Just the prayer that I stay focused on where God wants me to be and that I deal with the daily trials and struggles of life and motherhood in a Christ-like manner.

We so often forget about the gift of time and what is important, don't we?  We let busy get in our way and forget to make time for what really is at heart. Trials will come and go. It's not so much the trial, but how we respond to the trial we are facing at the moment. If we can surrender ourselves to the Lord, we gain His strength for each battle that comes.

Tami, your love and grace come through your words. You give encouragement through your example. You are a treasure. Thank you for taking time to join me for a chat. It is my prayer that you readers find a nugget to take away today. Maybe you learned something about, Tami, you didn't know. I know she would love to hear from you. Don't forget to visit her site and see all the beautiful creations she designs and find her on Face book.!/tamimayberry


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