Saturday, April 23, 2011

LIVE LOVED Experiencing God's Presence in Everyday Life by MAX LUCADO

I love devotionals. They wake me and bring me face to face with the Lord. I don't think anyone does it better than Max Lucado. As I opened the pages of this book later that morning I would learn that my husband lost his job. God placed this book in my hands at just the perfect time. There is nothing like God's perfect timing my friends. He is good and good all the time, no matter what!

This is a beautiful little book. What a perfect title. We can live knowing God's love. We can share His love. Isn't that what it is all about? Experiencing His love every day!! No dates on the pages, just words of encouragement. Stories to lift us to the throne room of Jesus. Scripture to take our eyes off our situation and place them on the promises of God. This little dandy has five sections. Loved with a Steadfast Love, Loved with a Perfect Love, Loved with a Wise Love, Loved with a Merciful Love and Loved to Love Others. Every subject is covered here with God's wisdom through scripture. Max brings beauty through his own words and touches us making us feel refreshed and encouraged to face the day.

I usually give my devotionals away after reading them. This is one I am going to keep close for a while. It is one I can go back to again and again. This would be a great gift for any friend and it is a wonderful companion along with your bible for your daily moments with God.

This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for it's review.


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