As I come to my blog each day I am excited to share my walk with the Lord with you. Here at my Nest I can share book reviews, music I love, and give praise to God each day. I can share about my struggles of illness and overcoming obstacles that affect us all. I can write about encouragement and share what I have learned from God's word. I can share my dreams with you.
It is awesome to look back and see the Lord has been here with me every step of the way and know that with each new step He too will be here leading the way. I am a work in progress and so thankful. I am beginning a new blog, Simply Robin. I am not leaving my Nest, just adding a new adventure. At Simply Robin I am beginning the new year with 365 days of thanks. Is there a better way to begin the year? For me, it is the perfect start.
God has touched my life in so many ways. Through each struggle He teaches me. Through each circumstance of my life all I see in the end is His love. I know when all else fails, He is still here with me. I am amazed by His love. Why He chooses to love me simply boggles my mind. He leaves me speechless.
As Steve has been laid off for two years now, there is still much to be thankful for each day. I want to not only share that with the Lord, but with you. I want to shout from the roof tops all He does for me daily. I want to take this new journey of thanks and spread His love even more. It is when we learn to simply take our eyes off ourselves and place them upon Him that we finally really get it. It's not about us. It's simply all about Him.