Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's inside your frame?

I love going to the St. Louis Art Museum. It is one of those places I can stay for hours just staring at a painting. I look with wonder at what each stroke took. I take in the colors and only imagine what the painter was thinking when he designed the piece. Was it to make a statement? Was it to add beauty? Was it to make us think? Sometimes as I look I don't just wonder about the artist, but I dream as if I were there, deep within the setting. Would I see the same thing? Could I describe it as intricately?
I notice the framework around each piece. The framework can make the painting even more beautiful. Whether it is golden, silver or wooden, it brings out the beauty of the painting in just the right way. They seem to accentuate each other to bring your eye deep within the painting.

Now, there are those pieces that I just pass by. They do not peek my curiosity. They do not make me think, nor do they excite me. I am sure the artist put much time into his work, but there just seems to be something missing for me. I would rather spend my time looking at something that is not only beautiful, but will add wonder to my life.

We can look at our lives in the same way. What is our framework made of? When someone stops by and looks, are they going to stay awhile and admire the beauty or will they walk by with nothing to catch their eye? Who is the designer of your life? Is He well known?

Sometimes I think I try to paint my own portrait instead of handing the brush over to God and allowing Him to make each stroke. I want others to walk by my life and see clearly who the artist is. I want my life to be one that others stop and glance at for a bit, seeing something unique, something that stands out and catches their eye.

I can put whatever I want into the picture, but if the frame is not one of great quality and design whatever is in the picture will not be lasting. The framework holds everything together and brings the eye to the center of detail. God knows how to place that detail in such a perfect way that it always reflects right back to the frame.

An artist who knows much about his craft will use the best of everything. He will have colors in his pallet that will allow the eye to travel through a different time and place to bring something of value to the eye and to the heart. An artist has a heart for creating and a passion for detail. Our Creator has a heart and passion for you and I. He created us with His loving hands. Trust Him with the life He has given you. Give Him the brush today and place His framework around your life. He will create a masterpiece. A one of a kind portrait, signed, sealed and covered in His love.

Psalm 139:14-15 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth."


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