Monday, August 16, 2010

Don't Be So Quick To Press That Button

Ever feel like you could just push a delete button and remove things from your life? You know, those things like pain, struggle, heartache, confusion, trials? Anything that causes drastic change and lasting pain?

Life really does take courage doesn't it? Life throws all kinds of things at us when we are not ready. It's like standing there at home plate waiting to swing and the pitcher throws the ball when your not looking, knocking you smack down in the dirt with fast pitch gone wild.

I must say it would be easier to just delete all those difficult situations. I know I would like to delete a few right now. But. There is always a but somewhere, isn't there? What would life be like without them? Would we appreciate the good things as much? Would we realize a blessing in disguise? Would we hug our friend as tight or kiss our children as much? Would we slow down and smell that little flower we pass by on our walk? I don't think so. I think we would just move along not realizing how blessed we truly are.

Even in the midst of all that is going on in my life right now I can stop and see blessings all around me. I see friends praying. Friends reaching out with love and encouragement. My husband told me a few days ago after seeing my profile picture on Face book, "You know, you are much prettier than that girl in that pic, she might be your sister, but your eyes light up much more than hers." Let me tell ya, that threw this girl into a smile and boy, did I feel loved. My son spent hours today cleaning his room. Not just because he was told to, but because he knows it makes his momma happy. The stars are shining brightly tonight and I plan to go out and spend some time just watching them in wonder. Even in the darkness the stars shine bright. But just think, without that darkness, could we really see the beauty in the stars? There is much I think we would miss if we didn't endure hardships. Hardships make us stronger. They make us wiser. They make us appreciate life more. We learn not to be selfish and take our time with others.

It really is the little things in life that bring smiles. It is those small wonders that cause us to grin, laugh. My husband can make me giggle like no one else can. My son can make my day brighter by just being in it. To hear him at night say, "Night Momma, love ya", just seems to bring peace to this hurting girl's heart.

Life seems to bring trial after trial at times doesn't it? Sometimes it seems like a storm that just doesn't let up. I remember one night when are children were little. My husband was out of town, and it began storming. I mean storming. Everyone crawls in bed with me. All five kids snuggled up together. It was lightening so badly we put blankets over the bedroom windows and shut the door to keep more light out. The room turned pitch black and all you could hear was the boom of thunder. In the midst of that storm that night we snuggled in bed like little fat bugs knit together. We were warm. We laughed. We shared stories and we made it through the night. Although it was a long night, it was a blessed one. One that I still remember today. In the darkness that night love surrounded us. God covered us with His grace and protection. All was going crazy around us, but He gave a peace that brought comfort like a warm blanket.

Don't be so quick to press that delete button. Hang on a little longer through the darkness. The storm doesn't last forever. Have you ever watched heat lightening? Here it happens on one of those hot, steamy days. Once the sun goes down, the storm begins to brew on the horizon. The lightening doesn't even make a sound. It is quiet, but powerful. It is mysterious, yet beautiful. Even in the heat of the night, God can bring a quiet beauty. For me it is almost calming.

Don't close your eyes to those scary moments. You just might miss something quite beautiful.

Isaiah 40:28-31 "Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."


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