Tuesday, April 13, 2010

step in step with Him

Waking up I realize how I stumble and fall. I falter daily in my walk. Oh, how those temptations call out my name, and there are times I just answer. Its after answering I realize how far I just stumbled. Many times we don't really see how far we have fallen until we see all the scrapes from the tumble.
I want to walk with the Lord with a heart for only Him. I want my ways to His ways, and I want each step of mine to be in His. Too often than not, they are not in step with His. My heart is there, my faith is there, but my mind, and body? I think they can be off on their own walk separate from where I want to be. If my mind and body are not in sink with my heart and faith, something is off, and I am not going to walk boldly, and humbly before Him.

Do you ever stumble in your walk? Sometimes I think my own worse enemy is myself. To walk with Him I must lay down myself and pick up my cross, following each step of His. I am to look different. I am to be different. I am to be the example before others, and too often than not I am not the example I should be.

When we become Christians we can think things will all be perfect now, and those mistakes will not come, but that couldn't be more wrong. Becoming a Christian is the first step to having a relationship with Christ, walking with Him is second. Nothing is perfect except for Christ. Although I cannot live a sinless life, I can strive with all my heart to sin less. There is no temptation I face that Christ has not faced. He is our Example. He is our Teacher. He is our Great Counselor. He is my Compass. As long as I keep my eyes off myself, and place them upon Him, He will show me the way. He will point out to me all those holes, those rocks, and valleys I can get tripped up on. It is for me to keep my eyes and ears open to His voice.

Just as when I was small and outdoors playing, I could hear my mother's voice calling me in, calling me to safety when a storm was blowing in. Even though I didn't want to give up playing, and having fun, I obeyed her call, for I trusted her. She knew what was best for me. When I fell off my bike and scraped my knee's, she was there picking me up, picking out each rock and placing a bandage over my scrapes. With her tender care they healed, and I learned to watch out for those holes and those big rocks that made me lose my balance. Jesus is that voice now. He is the One calling me. He is driving me to safety, and picking me up after my spills. He washes me new, and sets me before Him to start fresh, forgetting the past, and looking at today for all the possibilities of bringing Him glory.

I want to live in such a way that brings Him honor and glory in all I do. I want to be surrounded by those who will help me on my walk, those who will walk humbly with me to honor our Father in heaven. I want my life to praise all He is. I want my speech and actions to point to Him.

This world is not my home, and while here I want to make an impact to last forever, an impact that leaves behind a legacy pointing to Him.

Lord, please give me Your strength to walk each day. Fill me with Your passions and Your will for my life. Take my hand and lead in such a way that only brings praise to You. Use me as Your vessel. Work through me and in me, mold me into the woman You choose for me to be.

This world has nothing I desire. I don't want to be part of this world. I want to be separate from all the things of this world. I want to look temptation in the face and have the strength to walk away. Lord create in me all You desire for my life. I praise Your name for all You are!

Lord, just keep this girl humble before You and may my life magnify Your love and beauty before me.
Ephesians 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."


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