Saturday, April 3, 2010

beauty in imperfections

I finished my last label for my blog this morning. Yay! That was a long process, but one of joy. As this blog is a work in progress so am I. God is continually teaching me, and showing me His purpose for my life.
As I went back through each post I left all the mistakes in grammar. I left all the imperfections, because I am imperfect also. Through each imperfection I have the Lord has His way of shining through to show Himself. No matter how much I try to get each post right there are still mistakes. I am learning that it's okay to let go and though I do my best, I can never be perfect.

I am not the perfect Christian, nor am I the perfect wife. I will not make the perfect friend list, and I will not make the designing magazine for my home. Although I try with all my might to keep my home clean, there is always dirt. There is always something more to do. I am learning to take each day at a time, and not beat myself over the head when I do not get something right.

I falter and I stumble daily, but there is One to lift me up and set me back on my feet. That One is Jesus Christ. It is through all these lessons that I find Jesus and His great love for me.

Ya know, its so easy to give up on others. Its easy to see the faults in others and point them out. But we must remember no one is perfect, least of all us. Why is it we know we are not perfect, but we want others to be? We see in others many times what we want for ourselves, and we expect others to give us their best. People, family, and friends are going to let us down. Most of the time no one is letting us down on purpose. We have just chosen high expectations of others and that is what we want to see, but when we don't we see failure, and that is something our eyes and our hearts do not want to see. But in those imperfections we find that pure, raw love. We find a realness about others.

Instead of always doubting, why not just lift others up? We do not have to expect the best, but we can accept the trying of another. We are all a work in progress and Jesus is not finished with us yet, praise Jesus, cause this girl has a long way to go yet. I am learning to keep my head up. I am learning to come out of my box, and to follow Christ through all. I am learning to let go and let God.

I am amazed through those posts in my blog how the Lord just kept teaching me. He stood by me through some tough times, and He is still there today. Through those posts I find encouragement and growth in this girl who only wants to follow Christ.

Christ made each of us different. Where one will excel in one area, another will do great things in something totally different. We sometimes expect more than what we are willing to give ourselves. That is a hard one to learn and accept. But if we will stop looking for perfection in others just maybe they will learn to stop looking for it in us.
Ephesians 2:8-10 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."


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