Wednesday, February 3, 2010

whats your story?

In reading in Hosea this morning I understood that God didn't tell Hosea to go and tell a story, He asked him to be a story, to show his life to others, and in turn his life would lead them to Christ.

You know when people go to their high school reunions they often make up stories, they share things to make themselves look better, to look more important. With Christ we don't have to make anything up, and to Him we are the most important blessing He has. We just have to be ourselves with Jesus and He loves us just the way we are.

In my life I don't have to make up stories, there are plenty there to share. But I am learning it is through my story that Christ gains His glory, for He is right there in the midst of my life. From my past where I did not know Jesus, to my present where I struggle daily, and in my future where I hope to look more like Him, He is always there shining forth, showing just who He is and how He has worked through my life.

Each page, each chapter, each book of our lives is very important to His kingdom. There is nothing that needs left out, nothing that needs forgotten, for it is each detail of our lives that tells the complete story. Although we are not finished yet, our stories are still be told, being shared, and in those stories we are a light to the world.

Many times people think becoming a Christian is easy. Life as a Christian is like any other, the only difference is that I have Christ here with me, leading me, teaching me, and loving me through each day. He fills me with His Spirit and guides me through each maze. In our Christian walk we need to be honest, not ashamed, but hold our heads high with God's grace, showing others there is a better way, and that way is with Him. Our lives are not perfect, we struggle, and fall, but my God is mighty to save, He is mighty in His strength and I know throughout my life all good that comes from my life is Him and Him only.

I guess I have learned to be honest, to share with others because for so long I felt I was all alone, that I was the only one going through the things touching my life, but how very wrong I was. It is when we are honest about our struggles, and not ashamed that others can rise above, that they too can learn to overcome with Christ.

In real life, nothing fake added, we are being true to who we are. It is in our real life that we find the legacy we are leaving behind. Our story is one to be told just as the stories of the bible. With each story, with each person, the bible was created by God, written by the Holy Spirit through others to show us who Jesus is, to share with us the God who created us. There is no one in the bible of less importance. Each story tells where people started and where they ended. We can find ourselves in these stories of the bible, just as others can find themselves in our story.

We don't have to put on a face, we don't have to add things to our story, our story in itself is enough. Through each one of us God shines through, He gives glimpses of Himself through our trials and blessings. Learn to be honest, learn to share, and God will show Himself through your story.


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