TEA WITH HEZBOLLAHs by Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis
Would you like to sit at a table with your enemies having tea? Maybe speak about the Good Samaritan and loving your enemies? Jesus calls us to love our enemies and this is where Tea with Hezbollah takes us, right across the table from our enemies. Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis take us on a ride to the Middle East, facing fears, asking questions about life and the beliefs of others. There are many misconceptions about the people of the Middle East, just as they too have misconceptions about us. This book reveals the true feelings of others and how much we are all really alike and desire the same things. If we could all just face one another, love as Jesus commands, we would find truth in all people. If we seek the truth we too can find beauty in others, and that is what these two men have done on their trip to the Middle East. They sat with enemies, some we know and many who are not the headliners and asked these men questions about Jesus, about the Samaritan, their faith, how they feel about us in America, what their favorites are, what their hobbies are and what their hopes are. In the midst of their conversations we find the heart of the story, Nicole. Although the book takes us through the streets of the Middle East, it includes a heartfelt story about this woman and her life. Ted and Carl take this trip which began as just a thought, and after years of planning, they find themselves in the Middle East looking into the eyes of those very people we seem to fear the most. Can you imagine sitting down with those from Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muftis, the Sheiks and Ayatollahs? To have have with someone is a closeness we do not often do with our enemies. But what if we really did? What if we let all the preconceived ideas go, opened our hearts to one another and sought real peace? This book opened my eyes to many new ideas, to seeing a new light through the lives of those people countries away that have many untrue thoughts about you and I. This book takes you right into the turmoil of the Middle East, and shares things you would least expect. This book does not share the gospel in the hopes that I thought it would. But it does give us a look into the hearts of others and how misconceptions lead us to travel in wrong directions. I have enjoyed reading this book as it gives us all a picture of just being honest and sharing can take us a long way to living as Jesus would have us. This book was a gift from Multnomah WaterBrook Press for its review. This book will be released Feb. 15, 2010.