Monday, December 28, 2009

what will you do with today?

In life we wish we could go back in time, we wish we could say and do things different. In life we make so many mistakes, we say things that needed not to be said, and then there are those things we should have said a long time ago. Its funny, when we are young, we think life will last forever, we think today is all we have to be concerned about, and what we want, the most important thing, my happiness. But as we get older, we begin to see things much different. We see just how selfish we were when we were kids, we see the importance of saying, "I love you", and "I am so sorry". What was once so important to us just doesn't seem to matter much anymore. Are there things in my life I wish I could do over? Sure there are, and then I have those moments that I cherish, that I know God hand His hand upon me and I have seen His glory take place. Those mistakes we make soon turn into lessons of life, those circumstances we couldn't change, soon become little whispers of God, teaching us to be more like Him. Each day is a challenge for all us who are trying to walk with Jesus. Life is not easy, life can be down right hard, complicated and hurtful, but throughout all, if we remember who we are, who are Father is, when we stop looking for acceptance from this world, from those people around us, stop trying to make others proud, and begin to focus on only Him, to make our Father in heaven smile, to live His will, things begin to look a lot different. The clouds seem to part, the rain stops and through the darkness comes a light, a ray of beautiful colors that just speaks His name. I keep finding myself saying, "I shouldn't have said that", "I shouldn't have done that", " I need to forgive and let go of all bitterness", "I need to stop looking back and keep looking forward", "I need to stop looking at the circumstances around me and being fearful". Do you find yourself thinking these thoughts? Where and what am I spending my time on? Who am reaching out to? What am I doing with the gifts the Lord has given me? Am I trying hard enough, or giving up too soon? In this life we get one chance, one chance to make an impact on this world, to move for the Lord, to leave behind a legacy that speaks His name. We must stop looking at things as, "It doesn't matter", everything matters! We must stop looking at things and saying, " I will give my mom that call tomorrow", tomorrow may never come. We have a God who forgives, who loves, and who is working to bring all to know His name. I must stand for Him in all ways, most of all in my life. My life should shout His name and His ways, not mine. Lord, I want to live as You want me to, I want to speak Your words, I want to do Your will. Every night when we lay our head down to sleep, do we think over the day? Do we think about all we did, or all we didn't do? I don't want to be asleep when the Lord comes. I don't want to live according to man's rules, but the commandments of God. I want to feel His presence with me, I want to feel His touch of grace, and when I open my eyes I want to see all He has for me, when my ears are hearing, I want to hear His voice, but if I make the choice daily to live MY life, all that is gone in a moment, in the moment I choose to live for me. My life is not mine anymore, it belongs to Him, it is His to do His will and way with, it is for me to obey Him, to walk as His child. When we can realize the Truth, we can begin to see what is real. Life is precious, it is special, and it is a gift. So what are we going to do with our life today, right here, right now at this moment? Don't let the moment go by. Don't let today go by without seeking Him, without seeking our Father and His amazing love, the gifts He has for us and all the beauty He want to bestow upon us.

Lord may my life speak Your name today. May You forgive me of yesterday, and help me move on today, seeing You, staying focused on You, worshipping You and You alone. Thank You for the life You have given me, may I spend the rest of my life praising Your name, and standing for You. May I live for You and may I put my will at rest, while Your will comes alive in me!
Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"


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