Friday, December 11, 2009

what is the gift you want?

At Christmas I am one who talks about giving and how important it is to give, but lets say you could be blessed to have any gift you wanted this year, what would it be? Would you be like Solomon and ask for wisdom? Would you be a mercy and ask for healing of another? Would you ask for love? Would you ask for forgiveness, to see the hope come alive in others? Would you ask for something spiritual or for something material you needed? Maybe you would give your husband a new truck, your child that guitar he would love, season passes to the baseball team of your choice? Could it be that ring you have been waiting for, that new job that would increase your pay? Just maybe you could have that house built for your mother, give your daddy the keys to a new tractor? There are so many things to consider when giving a gift. I remember one year when my husband was laid off we pulled out the magazines and we cut out pictures of things we would give one another but could never afford. As people we love to give, and we want to give all we have, we love to see the eyes light up of others opening that gift, but what would the perfect gift be for you this year? Would it be to be sober, to not give in to temptations, to overcome an addiction, to have just one more day with the one you miss? For me, I have always wanted to take my family on a vacation to Ireland, when I dream I seem to dream big, but this year I wouldn't want anything material, I would ask for my family to whole again. I would ask for all our children to be home, to have peace in our family, to feel healing, to laugh, to share, and to have real forgiveness. I would ask for my children all to be back in church, the church Christ leads them too, but also for a new attitude for myself, a sweeter walk with Jesus. I know my family must come to serve and love Jesus again before there is healing in our family. So even though those vacations would be nice, a new car would be exciting, a laptop would put a smile on my face, but there is nothing I want more than for my children to know they are loved and missed and to have a fresh start, a new beginning, having our home filled with love again as it once was. I can answer that same question for my husband and my son also, we want our family back, the one that satan stole with his deceiving ways and lies. So for me, my wish is that my family can come together again, the tears can be wiped away and the joy can come back renewed and even better before. I pray God's grace finds my family this season and will bring us together again before too much time is wasted. So see, each of us have dreams, we all have wishes, prayers that we ask for years. We all want for something, and we all we want to give, but each of those begins right where Jesus is, for it is His heart that our desires begin and in His life that our dreams come true. May you find your prayers with Jesus this season, may you never give up on your dreams and may you know Jesus is there, right there with you in the midst of all you face. He answers our prayers, and His gifts are the best, they are wrapped with His love~
Lord as this season comes on quickly may we find You in all we do. May we look to You for our answers and face our trials on our knees, remembering You have Your hand in all and You know our needs, You know our hearts and You know just what we need and when that gift should be given.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17


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