Christmas is in our heart
When we picture Christmas, we have a vision in our minds of falling snow, a crackling fire, a home filled with loved ones, presents under the tree, and food that will feed an army. We picture the smiles of those we love, laughter as we share, and a warmth filling our home. The sweet scents of candles burning, of pies in the oven, and hot chocolate with roasting marshmallows. We picture someone reading the story of Christmas, of everyone knowing the meaning of our Savior's birth and how it is the most special gift of all. We wait to look out the window's and see loved ones pulling in the drive way. Maybe Christmas is not at your home, but you picture yourself traveling home, seeing your parents, resting in their hugs and seeing the smiles in their eyes after being gone from home for a while. Maybe your Christmas is pictured still yet different. Maybe your seeing your little one home from the hospital, laughing as she is healed. Maybe your picturing your sister home with your family, as she has been away for crimes of the past. Christmas dreams are different for us all. We all picture Christmas differently, as some picture a table full of food they have never had, some picture the warmth of a bed. Christmas cannot be found in a store, it cannot be found in a shopping mall, but it is found in our hearts. Christmas is about love, the love of Jesus and the love we carry in our hearts. In my vision, I picture my whole family here, my Mother healthy and active, my kids laughing and sharing, sweet moments spent alone with each, snow, lots of snow, cookies and cakes that we have all shared in making, a job for my husband that brings great joy to his heart, friends gathered for the evening, sharing coffee and treats. A long drive through the woods, looking at the beautiful snow falling, a long walk in the field, feeling the cool air and the beauty of God's creation. All of those things may not take place in my home, but they are taking place in my heart. I pray you have a Christmas filled with love and joy in your heart. May the Lord bring you blessings of peace and show you the beauty of His grace. Christmas is a wonderful time shared, whether your home is filled with many or filled with one, may you smile at the wonders of joy in your heart. May the Lord bring you a moment in which you see His wonder and glory shine before you. My heart is already there~ Merry Christmas