are you looking for a little peace?
John 14:27 " Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Don't we all just want peace? What is it that you always hear the contestants of the Miss America Pageant say? They say, " I just want world peace." We may laugh at that, that answer they always give, but isn't it true? We want peace in our hearts, in our families, in our churches, in our work places, and yes, in the world. The only trouble is, we go everywhere else looking for peace except to the One who can give peace, Christ. There is no peace outside of Him, just as there is no fear in peace,and do we really want the kind of peace the world has to offer? For me, real peace comes when I let go of everything and give it all to Christ, trusting Him with my life and all around me. I have learned I have no control over anything, no matter how much I wish I could have. When we look at life as everything has a purpose, every little choice we make has purpose in our lives, when we realize that everything is connected in one way or another it takes on a whole new meaning. When I am trying to control the situations around me I will never find peace in that. When I am holding on to fear of all around me, or what is to come, I will never walk in peace. When I am always trying to be right or make my point, I am not living in peace, I am living in turmoil. We try so hard to try to find peace, but we are searching in the wrong places and not willing to give up our power we think we have over our lives. There is nothing in this world that can bring true peace, no matter what we see on billboards, the television, or in the bookstores. The world will try to tell us the more stuff we have the more peace we will have. Stuff does not bring peace. The commercials try to tell us to go have a cold one, and that will bring us right where we need to be. The only place that brings us is right back to the liquor store for more. We try to cover up our pain instead of facing it. We overlook the obvious staring us right in the face. We take detours in our lives, we try to go the shortest routes only to be on a road we are lost on. I have been right here looking for peace in my life. I have learned I cannot change the circumstances around me, I cannot change those I love, but I can have peace when I allow Christ to change me, and when I give over all I have from my fears to my joys, trusting Him with all I have. I don't wake up everyday with that same peace. I pick up those fears again, I pick up the "Fix its", but then I remember I am not the One who brings peace or fixes anything. Then I start all over again and give all to Him. We must stop trying to find peace in what this evil world has to offer. The evil is disguised by good to trick us into believing the lies of satan, we must find our wisdom and knowledge in God and with that we can begin to find the peace we so desire in our lives~