As my husband began driving again, he bought himself a GPS unit for his truck. Although he hardly ever gets lost, this is a great tool for him. As he enters the big cities, as the roads take detours, this little device helps him to get right where he is going. Even speaks to him, gives him the road, the miles, and just where to turn. So now he without a doubt has no excuse to get lost. He has begun to love this little gadget so much he wants me to have one also. We have a GPS so we will never get lost, its God's word, the bible. Just as my husbands speaks to him, God also speaks to us, straight to our hearts. When we begin to get off track, when we lose our way, when we are not sure which road to travel, He is there to lead us, if we will just tune Him in and use the wisdom He has given us. So often we think we can find our way without asking for directions, and along the way we get off on one of those side roads that does not look too good, its dark, its raining, the roads are wet and we can take a slide and crash before we know it. We have no excuse to get lost, only our own selfish pride, and our stubburness. We know just where those traits lead us, right to humble street if we are blessed, sometimes those roads lead us to places that never take us back home. There is nothing wrong with asking for directions. We weren't meant to drive this journey all by ourselves, thats why God gave us His amazing word. It is jammed pack full of wisdom and knowledge, love and virtue. He created us, He loves us, so who better to listen to? The advice we get from strangers at times can lead us further into a land we have no idea how to get out of, and our friends, well, unless they are wise christian friends, sometimes they too can lead us right to the desert where we will continue to thirst. I have been there on that road of stubburness and pride. There are times in our lives where we just think we need to prove ourselves, but we don't need to prove anything to anyone. The only one we will answer to is our Father in heaven. Our family and friends are not going to be standing at the gate of heaven allowing our entrance, our co-workers and acquantances are not going to hold the key to our enternal future in heaven, and isn't that our destination anyway? Are we not trying to get to where our home with Jesus is? Heaven may be our final destination, but the road there is a straight one. We cannot get off on our own trail, thinking we can find our way and build our own life. He knows our past, He knows what road we are on right now, and what road He wants us to be on in the future. Are you lost today? Are you trying to find your way out of the forest, but you cannot see beyond the trees? Sometimes we are the very one who is blocking our vision. Get out your GPS today, open it up, search the maps and let It speak to you~ Proverbs 13:10 "By pride comes nothing but strife, but with well-advised is wisdom." Proverbs 13:20 "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed." Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day."