anger is spoken with an arrrr...
"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32 Can anger be spoken with words of love? No, anger brings out the worst in each person. Nothing good comes from anger, for all that the Lord has given us, what do we really have to be angry about? We are angry when things don't go our way, when others do not accept us, when our opinion differs from another, but in all that where is the love of Christ shining through? It cannot shine through when we are caught up in ourselves and our wishes. Just because something has not gone our way, maybe the Lord has another way that is better, we just have to open our eyes to His way. Just because one door has closed doesn't mean another will not open and be even better than before. Anger is selfish, and when we are filled with anger the Lord cannot move through us spreading His love. We may not hear the forgiveness of others, but we can learn to forgive ourselves, and to forgive others even if the words are never spoken. When we hold in anger there is no real forgiveness. As Christ forgave us, me too must forgive those who have hurt us, just as we must also forgive ourselves of our own hurts that we have brought to those we love. All peace begins with forgiveness. Jesus forgave those who placed Him on the cross and took His life, and through His forgiveness others believed. Life is not easy, it is just hard sometimes, but nothing we have gone through our Savior has not first gone through. With each hurt that touches our lives, we have the ability to hang on to it until it destroys everything good or we can choose to let it go and let God bring forth healing. Through that healing, it is His real beauty that shines through. In our daily lives we see so many walking around angry, you can see the anger on their faces, in their words and in their actions. We have the power in Christ to change our attitudes, to change the look on our faces and to think before we act. We are not able to do any of these things without the love of Jesus, so He is the beginning to all that is good. I have seen what anger can do to others, I have seen it in my own life. Holding on to anger has not gotten me anywhere but deeper in my pain, and until we are ready to let go and let God nothing is going to change, and aren't you ready for a change? Aren't you ready to feel the greatest joy ever given? Aren't you ready to laugh again, to smile until your face hurts, to just spread love everywhere you go? We can, if we will turn away from all that anger we have been holding in for years, and let Jesus bring joy into our hearts so that we may know real life. Are you ready today to take that step with me? May we take today and think upon Jesus, His love and His gifts instead of bottling up that anger and carrying it with us until we are so burdened by it we can longer smile at the smallest blessing. Don't wait one more day, spend today with Jesus, let Him show you all that He can do in your life if you just give it to Him~