we are all going somewhere
If we take a look around, we can find that we are all going somewhere. We can look to the sky and see those planes carrying many to places we can only imagine. We can see trains takes others to destinations we can only dream of. Each day people are traveling to work, to see their parents, to visit those who are ill, taking vacations, celebrating life at a party, we are always moving, always going somewhere. Each day we think about all the places we must go, what time to be there, what to bring, who will we see, and so much more, but throughout our day we are always thinking of right now or even tomorrow, but how many times does our future, our eternal future come to mind? What about the eternal future of your family, your friends, your co-workers, students you sit next to daily, those we meet on our trips, those in the grocery line, those sitting next to us in traffic? In our world we are very rarely sitting still, we are always moving, we are always trying to reach our destination, but what is our eternal destination? If we ask most people, they will say,"Oh, I know I'm going to heaven", and if you ask them why they reply,"Because I'm a good person." Our churches are full of good people, there are good people everywhere we go, but being good doesn't give us our one way ticket to heaven. The only way there is through the Father, in believing in His Son who died for us, believing that through His death, His blood covered our sin, and through His blood we find redemption and salvation. John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life." I often myself wondering as I am watching up in the clouds as I see a plane go by, just where each of those people are going. I only dream of the places they will see, but there are times as it is flying over I will stop and pray for those aboard, that wherever their earthly destination is, that they will find their heavenly one before it is everlasting too late. You see on the highway on those driving, do they really look happy to you? Yes, there are those who are laughing, or singing their way to work, but we cannot fathom the hurt, the pain, the trials of all those around us in need of a Savior, in need of His grace for their lives are struggles, trials are shaking the very beliefs they have, so for us, we have a great job ahead, we have mighty works to do. The great commission, to go and to tell. Matthew 28:19-20 " Go therefore and make desciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." There are those that you will reach that I may never meet, that is one reason why we are all so different, we attract different people, we are in different places to reach out, and those we cannot reach out to we should be praying for them when the Spirit directs us. This earth can reached for the glory of God if each of us just reach out to one person. But as we reach out we have to reach out with love, for if we are not sharing love, showing love toward others, they are not going to want any part of anything we are trying to share, even if its Christ, for Christ is love. When we look at the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians it is all about love. We can have many things, but if we don't have love and show it, we have nothing. So as we are all going somewhere today, do you know just where your eternal home is? Are you showing love so others see who Christ is? We have nothing to fear by sharing His name, for He is always with us. Lord I ask that you teach me your ways, that you show me where you want me to go and who you want me to bless. I so want to serve God and share the word, I just need to stop focusing on where I'm going today, Friday night, or for summer vacation, and start focusing on the names Christ lays upon my heart. So will you join me? Will you make a change today with me? If we all stand for Christ, use our gifts as platforms for sharing Christ we can make a difference one at a time. Psalm 25:4-5 " Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salavation; On You I wait all the day." He will show us where to go if we are willing to ask and be open vessels for Him~